Addition to Letter: Why Children Should Not Be Given the Covid Vaccines

This is an addition to the letter composed by a reader here: Evidence in Government and Official Data Children Should Not Be Given the Covid Vaccines

Sadly, the MHRA has extended the “authorisation for temporary supply during an emergency according to regulation 174” of the Pfizer-BioNTech covid vaccine to children from 12-15 years of age. However, the matter has not been decided upon completely; it rests with parliament who are still debating the issue and will make a decision after receiving advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation. It may still be possible to stop this.

Suggestions for recipients


  • (better than the Parliament MP contact page – finds your MP and confirms that your message has been sent and received)
  • (he asked for evidence)
  • (parliamentary under-secretary for State and Minister for covid vaccine deployment)
  • (Secretary of State for Health and Social Care)
  • (Minister for Health)
  • (short space for text and no unable to add attachments, but a short message with a web-link can sent)
  • (for the attention of MPs in the committee deciding covid vaccine deployment to children)


Very important – UK Government Joint Vaccinations and Immunisations COVID-19 sub-committee:



JCVI covid-19 sub-committee members:

  • Professor Lim Wei Shen (Chair) (Nottingham University Hospitals)
  • Professor Anthony Harnden, Deputy Chair (University of Oxford)
  • Dr Kevin Brown (Public Health England)
  • Dr Rebecca Cordery (Public Health England)
  • Dr Maggie Wearmouth (East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust)
  • Professor Matt Keeling (University of Warwick)
    Alison Lawrence (lay member)
  • Professor Robert Read (Southampton General Hospital)
  • Professor Anthony Scott (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
  • Professor Adam Finn (University of Bristol)
  • Dr Fiona van der Klis (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherlands)
  • Professor Maarten Postma (University of Groningen)
  • Professor Simon Kroll (Imperial College London)
  • Dr Martin Williams (University Hospitals Bristol)
  • Professor Jeremy Brown (University College London Hospitals)
  • Professor Bryan Charleston (The Pirbright Institute)
  • Professor Lucy Yardley (University of Southampton)
  • Professor Robert Dingwall (Nottingham Trent University) and
  • Professor Liz Miller (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
  • Andrew Earnshaw (JCVI Secretariat)


If you receive an unsatisfactory reply, according to what is in the reply, you can write back asking for justification of your MP’s position or to reinforce your request. Here are some examples which may be useful:

I wrote to you not to seek your views on whether children should be given the covid-vaccines, but to present the evidence I had enclosed, showing that they should not, to parliament so all MPs involved can make an informed decision on the matter. Please, therefore, can you present this evidence to parliament? As this extremely serious issue is still being reviewed in parliament, I consider it to be of upmost importance that they receive this evidence:

With regards to your comments, I found them unsubstantiated and would be grateful to you if you could clarify the following points:

– Which statistics were your researchers not able to find? If you can tell me then I will be able to show their sources and explain them to you.

– Which of the statistics were your researchers able to find? Please can you tell you me how you were unable to tell from them that children did not need the covid vaccines and that the covid vaccines would be more harmful than the risk of covid?

– How are you able to say that an emergency exists, from the mortality statistics of 2020 and comparisons of covid deaths in 2020 with deaths from other risks to life such as influenza and pneumonia in 2020 and previous years, which were higher than covid deaths, and when the UK Government had stated that covid-19 was not a high-consequence infectious disease?

– How are you able to say still that covid is causing an emergency situation, when top Government scientist Professor Anthony Harnden has recently said that influenza could pose a bigger problem than covid this winter, and we have never had to be in a lockdown or have mass-experimental-vaccination programmes for the ‘flu?

– How are you able to say that children can give informed consent to take an unapproved vaccine, in trial phases until 2023, authorised for temporary use by the MHRA only during an emergency, especially when this information is not displayed in the first instance to the public but in obscure parts of documents?

– How are you able to say that children are at risk from covid when only 12 covid deaths of children and young people under the age of 20 were registered in England and Wales in 2020, and a much higher number of children die from suicide?

– How are you able to say that the vaccine will be effective when the risk reduction rate, for example of the AstraZeneca vaccine, is of 2.9%? (see the calculations using the BMJ formula on the data of the UK Government AstraZeneca vaccine document.)

– Where can one find evidence that proves, even if children are not at risk themselves from covid, that an epidemic can be caused by the asymptomatic spread of a disease?

– How will you prevent children of families who for religious beliefs or moral conscience cannot take these vaccines as they have been made from aborted fetal cell lines, such as HEK 293, from being discriminated against in terms of receiving the same opportunities for education, participation in activities, access to services and freedom to travel without any further restrictions applied to them that are not to anyone vaccinated?

Please clarify these points to me, and assure me that whatever your personal views you will present this evidence in parliament, as I cannot accept your reply as adequate without you doing so.