An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Do you remember this saying? Why don’t we get to hear this from so-called health experts? Instead we are constantly told to take toxic vaccines and other pharma products that are often addictive and worsen people’s health. Healthy food and healthy eating habits are some of the main factors that keep us healthy. But the opposite is also true: unhealthy food and bad eating habits can make us unhappy, unhealthy, cause cancer, obesity and all sorts of other illnesses. God has created food that is not only enjoyable to eat but also provides us with nutrients that keep our bodies healthy or have the ability to heal.

We recommend eating whole organic apples with the skin to get the max amount of pectin from the raw fruit.

9 Facts and Health Benefits of Eating Apples (SuperfoodEvolution/YT):

Dr Ardis talks about the many health benefits of apple pektin (Brighteon):

7 Health Benefits of Apple (Times Foodie/YT):