Studies Suggest That Wind Parks Cause Climate Change, Even Regional Drought
Plastering the landscape with wind turbines for producing renewable energy may lead to regional drought.
Germany has so far installed over 30,000 wind turbines, which is about 1 every 11 sq. km. Plans are calling for doubling or even tripling wind power capacity. But this may be detrimental as new studies show that wind farms are altering local climates, and thus may be having an effect on global climate and contributing to regional droughts.
Northern Germany, for example, has a high concentration of wind turbines and has seen an unusual dry spell since 2019. Fortunately, recent rains have alleviated these drought conditions. Alarmist climate scientists of course blamed rising CO2 emissions for the North German drought.
Yet, a recent paper by Wang et al. (2023) shows that wind farms reduce regional soil moisture, thus confirming earlier model simulations of wind-park-made climate change, e.g. by Zhou et al. (2013).
“Is it a coincidence that the soils are driest where most wind turbines are located?” German online SciFi site here reports in depth on the topic.
In the article, SciFi examines a number of published research papers on the subject and summarizes:
As a conclusion, it can be said that it is certain that wind farms change the local climate. Very large wind farms or many wind farms also have an effect on the global climate. The results are mostly based on simulation models, whereby the study by Zhou et al. (2013), which was able to draw on comparative data, confirms the results found in the simulation models. The new study by Wang et al. (2023), which we discussed today, confirms the model calculations using real data obtained from a Chinese wind farm and shows for the first time that soil moisture is reduced by wind farms not only downwind but also upwind.
Wind farms thus contribute significantly to the drying out of soils, and to drought.”
Wildfires as a weapon, US military exposed
Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth’s last remaining forests in order to achieve the objectives of the global controllers? The short answer is yes.
A formerly classified US military document titled “Forest Fire As A Military Weapon” is a truly shocking exposé of planned scorched Earth destruction. The US Forest Service actually participated in the research and planning that went into this military instruction manual for carrying out orchestrated forest fire catastrophes. What part have climate intervention operations played in the preparation of forests for extreme and unprecedented incineration all over the world?
The short video report above reveals the shocking degree of research that the US military and the US Forest Service has put into preparing forests for extreme incineration.
(Dane Wigington/Geoengineering Watch/YT)