The White Rose UK
The Irish Light – Issue 1
The Light is a print newspaper that brings some light into these darkish days, by reporting truthfully about covid and other concerns. A refreshing voice, and a rare but important alternative to the corrupt mainstream media. For the first time the Light has now an Irish issue. The extra Irish pages of our successful truthpaper,…
An Exploration on COVID-19/SARS-CoV2
An urgent invitation: To question all that is happening before the chance is lost To explore broader science, views and statistics To research further A compilation of links to resources that will: Help you to navigate the current situation Help you to make informed decisions Promote open debate and explore different views Offer a…
Senior Superintendent Police Mr Mohammad Imtiaz Dies Soon After Covid Jab
Senior Superintendent Police Mr Mohammad Imtiaz died of heart attack soon after covid jab in Pakistan. He is seen falling in the video below. This is his vax sheet. It is officially being attributed to a heat stroke induced heart attack, but the recency of the vax certainly raises eyebrows. — EnriqueDaniel Austin…
Letter To Members of Parliament Urging the End of Covid Restrictions
This letter was sent to us by a reader and can be used as an example of a letter addressed to Members of Parliament: Dear Despite just 3 deaths WITH Covid (that’s within 28 days of a positive test not OF Covid) on the 14/6/21 in the context of 1375 deaths overall that day (i.e.…
If You Still Believe In the Mainstream Narrative…
This list of questions exposes the covid fraud. Sent to us by a reader If you still believe in the mainstream narrative, I have a few questions and can’t wait for a public enquiry… Explain how the flu disappeared but has been replaced with something which has the EXACT same symptoms. Explain why they downgraded…
Did the Four British Airways Pilots Die Because of Covid Jab?
America Conservative Movement: There’s an easy way to know when a narrative is being fabricated. One needs only look closely at the wording of statements and often times the subsequent fact-checks to see when a cover-up is in process. Such is the case with British Airways and their claims that four pilots who have died…
Health Service Apartheid
Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with Friday’s UK Column News.Topics in the video: Scary Delta Variants And Apparently Dangerous Vaccines Health Service Apartheid Why Have Four Airline Pilots Died Recently And Why Are Vaccines Now Only Safe for “Most People?” Jimmy Dore Speaks Out On Vaccine Injury US regulator Postpones Investigating Heart Problems Among Young…