The White Rose UK
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We have been defending freedom and humanity since 2020, and we continue to do so. Support us by subscribing to the Freedom Magazine and purchasing our Freedom books. We are phasing out the weekly newsletter, which will officially end by 31 December, as explained here. Over the past four years, we have published dozens of…
After the long wait – Feedback on The Green Cheat?
Got the green cheat today. Brilliant and well worth waiting for. (J M) Our latest book, The Green Cheat, has finally been delivered (international orders will take a little longer) to everyone who has ordered it. In case you’re a fast reader, you might have finished it already. Did you like the book? Which chapter(s)…
More updates on orders of The Green Cheat
This is just to let you know that your order of The Green Cheat has been sent off yesterday and should arrive within the next few days. If you have ordered more than two copies, your order may arrive in two deliveries. The second delivery will arrive with some delay. Many thanks for your patience,…
Visit our archive
We have been defending freedom and humanity since 2020, and we continue to do so. Support us by subscribing to the Freedom Magazine and purchasing our Freedom books. We are phasing out the weekly newsletter, which will officially end by 31 December, as explained here. Over the past four years, we have published dozens of…
The Green Cheat – Order Update
Apologies to all who have ordered the book The Green Cheat. The book has now finally been printed after some delay due to overwork. We are looking forward to receiving the top-quality hardback books shortly. After that, it will take a few more days to arrive at your delivery address. If you haven’t ordered The…
What’s new in the Freedom Magazine?
Regain your freedom – enrich your life! We are adding new content to the Freedom Magazine. In the November issue, number 8, there will be new series of articles in which we also invite our readers to engage and write about their experiences: Household remedies: In this series we are introducing natural remedies that anyone…
Fluoridated milk scheme in Blackpool
Why? Why? Why? This is obscene and hideous. The odious Blackpool Council are either thick or without compassion. They are offering a scheme to put fluoride into milk for school children. This must be stopped at once! (Richard Vobes/YT) How Safe Is Our Drinking Water? Health Officials Delayed Report Linking Fluoride to Brain Harm Evidence…
Australia: Sevenfold increase of deaths since vaccine roll-out
An Australian councillor says his town has gone from one funeral a week to more than one funeral a day after the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, and they have had to build a new cold body storage facility to accommodate the increase in deaths. During a Special Council Meeting on October 11, 2024, Port Hedland Town…