Can We Talk About It – Worldwide Campaign Breaks Silence On Vaccine Injury and Death

Launching of the #CanWeTalkAboutIt Campaign

We break the silence worldwide about vaccine injury and death

Millions of people around the world have been injured or killed due to Covid-19 vaccination, but not enough people know this. If injured, these “adverse events” are often not connected to the shot, and they are not reported to the various global vaccination adverse event tracking sites (such as VAERS in the US).

Some doctors fear that their licenses will be taken if they speak out, and the liability-free pharmaceutical industry that is also the #1 advertiser for much of the media, has great power in silencing anything but the narrative that their shots are “safe and effective.”

Join us in learning about what is really going on, and what you can do to protect yourself and help others.

On June 14th at 2 PM EST/8 PM CET the global #CanWeTalkAboutIt campaign launches worldwide. Join us in making an impact to bring awareness to vaccine injury and death.

Together we will:
  • Create awareness that COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths are real
  • Raise funds to support global groups working on research, health solutions and lawful processes leading to vaccine-related compensations
  • Give COVID-19 vaccine injured people a place to share their stores

Global Social Media Campaign to Support Covid-19 Vaccine Injured

Millions of people worldwide have suffered adverse reactions from the Covid-19 shots. The #CanWeTalkAboutIt global campaign aims to start a dialogue and break the silence around the Covid-19 vaccine injury and death. The launch event will take place on June 14th, 2022, 2pm EST and 8pm CET and will be live-streamed globally.

By providing a safe space for those who were injured to share their stories, get support and have their voices heard we will create awareness among the general public that the covid-19 vaccine injuries are real and not rare. (News Voice/YT)