Is This Australia?
Jacqui Lambie, a Senator for Tasmania says the following on the Australian news programme Sky: “I think people are getting quite agitated right out there now outside there Pete, and those anti-vaxxers out there, that 20 or 30 per cent, ah, the ones out there ah protesting on the streets and doing that sort of…
Education Rather Than Vaccination
In this video another expert reveals the genocidal agenda of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, the UN and WHO through mass vaccination of the entire world population: Dr. Robert Young joined Stew Peters for an exclusive, very candid conversation about his past, along with his findings after he examined the Pfizer, Moderna, Jansen and Jansen and…
Vaccinating Children Regardless Of the Science
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott with Monday’s UK Column News. 00:25 – Vaccinating Children Regardless Of the Science 20:51 – Nurses Speak Out 26:17 – Israel’s Failed Vaccination Policy Promoted By Religious Leaders 39:27 – UK Column Viewer Receives Passport Offer Despite Being Unvaccinated 40:00 – French Protests 42:13 – Campaign Against COVID…
Best Friend Killed By the Jab
This video is to honour the memory and to tell the story of my beloved friend Sue who died on 26th August 2021 as a result of the ‘vaccine’. Although the first jab (the experimental MRNA gene therapy Covid ‘vaccine’) made her very sick she still went ahead with the second one and suffered brutally…
Testimony – What is Actually Killing People In The Hospital
My husband walked out of the ICU in just 3 1/2 days. Fastest ICU patient in history of covid. What we did. What to tell others. It’s not covid – the protocol is what is killing people in the ICU. Here is what to do and how to do it. What to demand. What treatment.…