Mainstream Media Now Reporting on AstraZeneca Vaccine Linked to Blood Clots
Finally, we hear in the mainstream media about one of the dangerous side effects of the Covid vaccine. For months experts and groups like The White Rose UK have warned that this vaccine is not to be trusted. The Daily Telegraph published an article about this, stating: “Marco Cavaleri, the head of vaccines at the…
Maskless Shopping in Groups – The Maskless Warriors
People daring to shop without mask! What will the panicking and assaulting masked-up people will think about themselves in the future, when the madness is over …?! In the UK … “How refreshing, wonderful” Who would have thought that shopping without a mask would once be a revolutionary act …?!
Covid-19 Vaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction – and Could Wipe out the Human Race
“If you have been reading my articles for a while you will know that I never exaggerate. You will also know that for the last year my predictions, assessments and interpretations have been absolutely accurate. Now, more than ever I need your help. Unless we work together we are doomed. I need your help because…
Deadly Swabs
Listen to this man warning people about swabs containing ethylene oxide which is a cancer causing chemical: — karma (@karma44921039) March 24, 2021 This young lady saying it again: “Don’t stick those test swabs up your children’s nose!”
Fighting for Our Lives – We Must Unite
“One curiosity above all others tells us for certain that covid-19 is the biggest hoax in history, a monumental fraud, a coup perpetrated by conspiracy practitioners whose aims are to win power and money over everyone, everywhere. The curiosity is that celebrities are allowed to tell us that the vaccine is safe and effective but…
CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are Dying Like Flies After Covid Injections
Mystery around Death of Tanzanian President Who Defied Lockdown and Vaccine
Tanzania was one of very few countries in the world that have resisted the globalist narrative on covid.Tanzania’s late president rejected a covid vaccine and exposed the faultiness of the PCR testing almost a year ago, after a goat and a papaya tested “positive”. He also declined mask wearing and refused to lock the country…