Gibraltar Deaths: Who are they? AND Care Home Death Outbreaks in England
Man, aged 80-90, with underlying health conditions Man, aged 80-90 with acute kidney injury Man, aged 65-70 with underlying health conditions Woman, aged 90-95 with underlying health conditions. Man, 80-85 with underlying health conditions Woman, aged 70-75 with COPD Man, aged 85-90 with underlying health conditions Man, aged 90-95 with underlying health conditions Woman, aged…
China Using Anal Swabs for Testing
First they took away your privacy (Track and Trace) Then they took away your freedom (lockdowns, restrictions, masks) Now they’re taking away your dignity … Listen to Viking Bjorn’s video: … and here’s Carl Vernon commenting on the subject:
Bye, bye Boris?
Does it belong to the cunning plan of the reset that political leaders will be replaced by others to bring the agenda forward? Anti-lockdown protests mostly consist of peaceful protesters. But did you ever get the feeling that single protesters are just there to provoke and create chaos? Well, that thought is not farfetched ……
“You will own nothing, and you will be happy”
What does it mean to own nothing and to be ordered to be happy? Who decides this, and what is behind this propaganda phrase? Rex van Schalkwyk gives a warning we should take seriously. Chairman of the FMF Rule of Law Board of Advisors and a former judge of the Supreme Court of South Africa,…
Thousands Demonstrate Peacefully in Amsterdam
Around two thousand people gathered on Museumplein in protest at the strict corona measures that have been introduced by the Dutch authorities. The recent introduction of a curfew has added a further unwelcome dimension to the situation with unfavourable comparisons with the second war; then a curfew was also implemented in the Netherlands by the…
Global Communism Is Here
Kennedy Hall makes an interesting analysis of how the communists have first demoralised our society in order to prepare us for global communism. Two videos worth listening to:
Tens of Thousands Protesting in Amsterdam and Vienna
Protest in Austria and Holland – you will not find this in mainstream media, and it’s easy to guess why not. Watch these two short videos showing the resistance in these countries.