
  • Your phone is more than just listening to you

    It would appear that our smartphones operate beyond their so-called parameters without our knowledge. Nick joins me to assert these devices have further intrusions and infringements on our bodies and mind in a way we perhaps hadn’t imagined. (Richard Vobes/YT) Spy In Your Car Get the App and Lose Your Freedom Loyalty Schemes: Don’t give…

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  • Climate change: a crumbling myth

    Great to see something we have been doing for centuries actually counters the myth that Man-Made Global Warming is a thing, or even necessary to worry about. (Richard Vobes/YT) NET ZERO: “Electricity prices are where the pain is going to be felt” Net Zero is accelerating policies putting energy prices through the roof. Britain is…

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  • The Climate According to AI Al Gore

    A new film claims to reveal the real truth behind Al Gore’s climate change agenda. (Avi Yemini/Bitchute) About the film: Former Vice President Al Gore proclaimed a “climate emergency,” and became the godfather of today’s worldwide climate change movement. Al Gore, who was no scientist, repeatedly claimed his Harvard professor Roger Revelle was the source…

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  • NHS Spiking Man’s Drink To Force COVID Vaccination

    A mother is taking legal action to stop her Down’s syndrome son from being sedated and covertly vaccinated against Covid-19. The man, in his thirties, has had sedatives secretly added to his tea and orange juice so he could receive the vaccine and booster shots. His mother, however, plans to sue the local NHS care…

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  • NatWest launches payment tracking to crack down on meat and dairy purchases

    NatWest Bank not only spying on your private purchases but actively nudging you to ditch healthy food, like meat and diary, and pushing for carbon-neutral pap! A major international bank has launched a new payment monitoring system to track customers’ purchases as part of a crackdown on the general public buying meat and dairy products.…

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  • Did you hear what Justin Trudeau is doing to the Amish farmers?

    The Canadian Amish go back and forth to the U.S. to visit other Amish communities. And every time they came back, they’d be hit with a $6,000 ArriveCan fine — every man, woman and child. It totalled hundreds of thousands of dollars. One of Justin Trudeau’s stupidest rules during the Covid lockdown was to force…

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  • In humour there is truth

    Author George Saunders once said: “Humor is what happens when we’re told the truth quicker and more directly than we’re used to.” Cartoonist Anne Gibbons has a rare knack for doing just that. When our book What the Nurses Saw came out we received a huge boost when Anne chose it as the subject for…

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  • The ones you can’t see

    Controlling People’s Money Would Be the Ultimate Form of Tyranny Neil Oliver: Many Are Speculating That a Final and Catastrophic Crash Is Coming for the Banks… The Corrupt Banking System Explained in 1 Minute ‘Banks Create Money Out of Thin Air’ – Mads Palsvig – International Covid Conference in Budapest Digital Currency and Complete Control…

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  • What parents should know before they vaccinate their kids

    When it comes to vaccines, the prevailing narrative is that they are a modern miracle. But what if that isn’t true? What if vaccines are potentially more dangerous to some people than the diseases they were designed to prevent? “Vaccine Secrets,” an animated video, explores these questions and more. The video was created by parents who…

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  • Is virology a pseudo-science?

    Nothing changes in medicine in the same way that little to nothing changes in politics. Caitlin Johnstone writes, “Every few years, the US empire has this weird little festival where it pretends the government is changing hands and will now begin operating in a way that is meaningfully different from the way it was operating…

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