White Rose
Advertise in the Freedom Magazine
Contact ads are free of charge! Please send your short text via contact form or by post to our PO Box address (see in Freedom Magazine). Ad with image: Send your ad design in an attachment to us via contact form after payment. Classifieds: Send your short text via contact form after payment, or by…
Draw Underground Granny and her grandson Jack
Competition Are you a skilled artist, or are you just passionate about drawing and sketching? We are looking for fun/inspirational/lovely illustrations of legendary Granny Liz and her grandson Jack, from the Underground Granny serial fiction which was published in the Freedom magazines 1–7. You can use those scenes for your drawing ideas. The winners’ illustrations…
Is the wider public ready for The Green Cheat?
We are convinced that it is high-time for everyone to understand that there is no need for a global ‘green rescue plan’ for an alleged climate crisis. Similar to the pseudo-pandemic, people need to wake up and stop believing the lies that are intended to keep us under a hypnotic spell and make us easily…
November Freedom Magazine – What’s inside
The November issue of the Freedom mag has been sent off a few days ago. What awaits our readers? Articles: Don’t let the media control you Statement by Dr Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer vice president Saint of the month: Martin of Tours Essay by GK Chesterton: The Extraordinary Cabman Entertainment, fun and facts: Ask Ella…
Writing matters
If uncovering the truth is the greatest challenge of nonfiction writing, it is also the greatest reward. —Candice Millard “Write what should not be forgotten.” —Isabel Allende “When I sit down to write a book, I do not say to myself, ‘I am going to produce a work of art.’ I write it because there…
Open to all: TWR Archive
We have been defending freedom and humanity since 2020, and we continue to do so. Support us by subscribing to the Freedom Magazine and purchasing our Freedom books. We are phasing out the weekly newsletter, which will end on 31 December, as explained here. Over the past four years, we have published dozens of articles…
First Reviews of The Green Cheat
Green Cheat – we need more The book by arrived yesterday, and I’ve now read most of it. A very good compendium of writers with varying views re deforestation, population etc. but the one message (which is not news to those who have watched the global warning tale unravel) is that CO2 is not the…
The Green Cheat at Waterstones?
We are attempting to bring our latest book, The Green Cheat, among commonfolk. This book needs to reach the masses in order to have an effect and bring change. The massive betrayal of the global population would instantly come to a halt, if the majority of people would recognise that the current climate change narrative…
Visit and share! Our archive
We have been defending freedom and humanity since 2020, and we continue to do so. Support us by subscribing to the Freedom Magazine and purchasing our Freedom books. We are phasing out the weekly newsletter, which will officially end by 31 December, as explained here. Over the past four years, we have published dozens of…
After the long wait – Feedback on The Green Cheat?
Got the green cheat today. Brilliant and well worth waiting for. (J M) Our latest book, The Green Cheat, has finally been delivered (international orders will take a little longer) to everyone who has ordered it. In case you’re a fast reader, you might have finished it already. Did you like the book? Which chapter(s)…