The latest Covid-19 variant they’re using to justify permanent lockdowns is the omicron variant, coming out of South Africa. Of course, after omicron will come some other variant, and then another, for as long as the government feels like controlling our lives.
You know where this is leading: They want universal vaccine mandates, for everyone, from infancy to the nursing home. They want forcible injections for toddlers, for grade-schoolers, for pregnant women, and mandatory boosters even for those who had severe reactions to the first shot. And they will keep at this no matter what the side effects are, because they simply deny that side effects even exist.
Doctor Zandre Botha is in South Africa. She’s seen a whole host of negative symptoms in her vaccinated patients: Blood clots, arthritis flair-ups, hypertension, heart attacks, and worst of all, metastatic cancer in vaccinated patients who were previously in remission. (Stew Peters/RedVoiceMedia)
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