Draft Letter to School Principal – Notice of Liability

From 17 May, the government does not recommend children to wear a face mask at school:

From 17 May, in line with Step 3 of the roadmap, face coverings will no longer be recommended for pupils and students in classrooms or communal areas, in all schools and FE providers. Face coverings will also no longer be recommended for staff in classrooms. (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/face-coverings-in-education/face-coverings-in-education)

If you still find your child coerced into wearing the mask, please use this excellent template letter for writing a notice of liability to the school, which a reader has sent to us. The template letter also contains a list of links to face mask studies. You may also find it useful for other situations where your child or you yourself are forced to wear a face mask.

Download the template letter: PRECEDENT-Notice-of-Liability-FACE-MASKS

Listen to a school mum speaking out on masks and lockdown risks to children: https://thewhiterose.uk/school-mum-speaks-out-on-covid-masks-and-lockdown-risks-to-children/