FDA to Approve mRNA Shots for Children 6 Months to 4 Years Old?

By Toby Rogers

This announcement came out Monday night (Jan. 31) and it is so horrifying, it took me several minutes to come to grips with what is happening. I know the FDA is evil but this takes things to another level.

Pfizer wants their disastrous mRNA shot added to the official schedule for children so that they can have liability protection forever.

The Pfizer mRNA shot in children 2- to 4-years old failed in the clinical trial.

Acting FDA Commissioner, Janet Woodcock, following orders from the Biden administration said, (I’m paraphrasing here) ‘don’t worry about the fact that the shot does not work, we’ve got a drug to sell, submit an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) application anyway.’

So Tuesday (Feb. 1) Pfizer submitted an EUA application for children six-months to four-years old.

Pfizer and the FDA are proposing to start with two shots in this age group even though that approach has already failed and then they will add a third dose later in the spring if data comes in that supports that use. The plan is literally — shoot up kids first, get the data later. This approach is completely unprecedented in the history of the FDA and it must be stopped. (…)

The message we need to send to these bureaucrats is — ABSOLUTELY NOT! Every single person who plays a role in this decision needs to get the message that:

1. We are watching;
2. The clinical trial of the Pfizer vaccine failed in this age group; and
3. You must vote NO because this proposed use violates the prohibitions against illegal medical experiments as outlined in the Nuremberg Code.

Read the full post, including addresses here: https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/urgent-call-to-action-the-fda-wants

Before Your Child Is Injected, Watch Dr Robert Malone’s Statement on Child Covid Vaccinations:

Children are not at risk of becoming seriously ill of covid and even less dying from the virus. This ‘vaccine’ has no benefit at all for children or those close to them. The covid ‘vaccines’ are a dangerous product which may cause an increase in vaccine harms and death among children.

Say NO

Dr Vernon Coleman – Covid-19 Jab: They Knew Children Would Die: