Fighting Back – More Suggestions

In an earlier post a reader began with the idea of setting up a list of ways to fight back. We have asked for more suggestions and quite a few have come in. We will update the list as more ideas come in.

    1. Pay cash whenever you can.
    2. Do not buy from the likes of Amazon, disconnect from global corporations and global NGOs, and buy local.
    3. Remove covid propaganda signs about masks, social distancing etc. wherever possible.
    4. Ditch your smartphone and get an old-school phone instesad.
    5. Cancel all social media accounts that are watching and censoring you.
    6. Use BS or CU instead of commercial banks.
    7. Send a complaint letter to the TV Licencing people as an act of resistance re their biased reporting of the so-called pandemic. Example here.
    8. Ditch Google – use DuckDuckGo instead.
    9. Buy copies of The Light and do a local delivery. Insert leaflets as desired.
    10. Print and show this to any company owner who demands a vaccine pass for entry: “I disagree with the use of vaccine passports at your venue. This is discriminatory and goes against freedom and democracy. We live in a free world. This is a very dangerous road to go down and I/we the people will do everything we can to boycott your venue.”
    11. More on the covid pass. The NHS website states: If your customer confirms that they have a self-declared exemption, but is unable to show any evidence, you should allow them access to your venue or event. You must not ask for proof of their medical exemption, and it is not essential they show any form of exemption card at any point. (
    12. Share ideas with people as much as possible.
    13. Write letters to MP’s, GP’s, headmasters, bishops etc. Here are some template letters:
    14. Do not wear masks – doing so is not mandatory. Run off an exemption. You could print an exemption card and keep it in your pocket.
    15. Write messages on banknotes, whether 5,10 or £20 notes, such as: no covid passports or: no forced vaccinations, such banknotes to be used in automated systems like self-service checkouts (to avoid possible conflict)
    16. Keep asking questions, support one another in the resistance.
    17. Spread leaflets. Here are some:
    18. If taken ill, treat yourself with ivermectin, or hydroxychloroquine. Get more details here: Take zinc, quercetin, NAC and vitamins A, B, C and D.
    19. Act in a human way. Do not be aggressive.
    20. Read and recommend these books:
    21. Defend free speech.
    22. Turn off the BBC, ITV, SKY– they, including the national press, are all part of this evil propaganda.
    23. Reject your blue NHS letter:
    24. Keep researching. Use websites like:,,
    25. Pray for the truth to succeed: Prayer

More suggestions? Contact