The WELT recently published an article about the actual number of side effects of the covid vaccination, based on figures from the major health insurance company ProVita:
An analysis of millions of insured data of the company health insurance BKK comes with the side effects to significantly higher numbers than the Paul Ehrlich Institute. The new data are an “alarm signal,” says BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck.
For the first time, figures from a major German health insurance association are available on side effects of Covid vaccines. BKK ProVita board member Andreas Schöfbeck had the data of millions of insured members of the BKK group analyzed. According to the report, the total number of side effects is many times higher than those reported by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI). In a video call with WELT on Wednesday, Schöfbeck said, “The numbers determined are considerable and urgently need to be checked for plausibility.” (Originally in German:
Here is an English translation of the original letter (emphasis by the White Rose UK):
Dear Prof. Dr. Cichutek,
The Paul Ehrlich Institute has announced by press release that for the calendar year 2021 244,576 suspected cases of vaccine adverse events after corona vaccination have been reported. The data available to our institution give us reason to believe that there is a very significant under-reporting of suspected cases for vaccination adverse events after Corona vaccination. I am enclosing an evaluation of this in my letter. The data basis for our evaluation is physician billing data. Our sample is from the anonymized data set of the company health insurance funds. The sample comprises 10,937,716 insured persons. So far, we have the physicians’ billing data for the first half of 2021 and approximately half for the third quarter of 2021. Our query includes valid ICD codes for vaccine adverse events.
This analysis has shown, although we do not yet have the complete data for 2021, that based on the available figures we now already assume 216,695 treated cases of vaccination side effects after Corona vaccination from this sample. If these figures are extrapolated to the whole year and to the population in Germany, probably 2.5-3 million people in Germany have received medical treatment for vaccination side effects after Corona vaccination. We regard this as a considerable alarm signal that must be taken into account in the further use of vaccines. In our view, the figures can be validated relatively easily and also in the short term by asking the other types of health insurance funds (AOKs, substitute health insurance funds, etc.) for a corresponding evaluation of the data available to them. Extrapolated to the number of vaccinated people in Germany, this means that approximately 4-5% of vaccinated people received medical treatment for vaccination side effects.
In our opinion, there is a considerable underreporting of vaccination side effects. It is an important concern to identify the causes for this in the short term. Our first assumption is that, since no compensation is paid for reporting vaccine adverse events, reporting to the Paul Ehrlich Institute is often not done because of the great expense involved. Physicians have reported to us that reporting a suspected vaccine adverse event takes about half an hour. This means that 3 million suspected cases of vaccine adverse events require about 1.5 million working hours of physicians. That would be almost the annual workload of 1,000 physicians. This should be clarified in the same short term. A copy of this letter will therefore also be sent to the German Medical Association and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. The GKV-Spitzenverband will also receive a copy of this letter with the request to obtain corresponding data analyses from all health insurance funds.
Yours sincerely,
Andreas Schöfbeck
Board of Directors
Original letter in German:
“A risk to human life cannot be ruled out”—German insurance company (Sanity4Sweden/Rumble):