How Can We Fight Back?

How about drawing up a list of actions we could take to resist the ever-increasing globalist control?

The following list contains suggestions from a reader.

Please feel free to add your own ideas! Write to us here: contact

  1. Cash Friday. (Use only cash on Fridays.)
  2. Do not buy from the likes of Amazon.
  3. Disconnect from global corporations and global NGOs.
  4. Buy local.
  5. Share ideas with people as much as possible.
  6. Do not wear masks – Doing so is not mandatory.
  7. Run off an exemption. You could print an exemption card and keep it in your pocket.
  8. Keep asking questions.
  9. If taken ill, treat yourself with ivermectin, or hydroxychloroquine.
  10. Act in a human way. Do not be aggressive.
  11. Defend free speech.
  12. Turn off the BBC, ITV, SKY– they, including the national press, are all part of this evil propaganda.
  13. Keep researching. Use websites like: