I Am Not Misinformation – Vaccine Injured Speak Out

Dan Peruzzo: “I wanted to share the film I was working on with you. When I embarked on this venture, I honestly had no idea how it was going to lay out. I just knew I needed to contribute in some way to get these stories out there. It grew a lot bigger than I think I had in my mind originally, but in some sense I’m not surprised due to the enormity of the ever unfolding situation. It organically developed into a feature length documentary sitting at about 1h35m, but even at that, I couldn’t fit everything in that I wanted (they all had such great things to say).

In the end, my hope is that this film will provide the audience with a perspective, to not only change the hearts and minds of those in the dark, but also inspire others to speak up and share their stories as well.

I’ve titled it: I Am Not Misinformation.

In today’s covid crazy world of censorship and this ‘one-sided narrative’, it takes courage to stand up and speak out. Take a journey with this group of vaccine injured individuals and health professionals as they share their experiences in an effort to educate the public on the issues that the mainstream media overtly refuse to cover. Please feel free to share with your network.” (D See Video Productions/Librti/Bitchute)

Geoffrey Young’s Wife, Ona:

Her husband, Geoffrey Young, the 45-year-old FBI Special Agent dies less than 24 hours after receiving the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine.

“My husband very much so believed in freedom. So much so that he went to work every day to support our freedoms, and to fight for our freedoms. He trusted science, he went and got his shot. He did before it was told that you have to go get this. And he would giggle at me and tell me, Ona, you’re being silly, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it. Millions of people are getting them, and they’re fine. We’re gonna be okay.” (Progressive Truth Seekers/Bitchute)