Irish Birth Rate Collapsing

By Patrick E Walsh

In May 2024 I published the following Substack predicting that the native Irish would not be replacing itself annually by 2025, based on estimated birth and death rates: A people ‘not busy being born is busy dying…’

The article used estimates of Irish births for 2024 and 2025.

When compared to the CSO registered births for Q1 2024 released today, they would seem to be coming true.

Today’s figures show absolute Irish births continuing to fall with Irish births as a percentage of total births in free fall.

Irish Definition

In the previous article, I explained the vague nature of ‘Irish’ used by the CSO/GRO.

These birth figures refer to ‘nationality’ of mother, which is a rather mercurial concept in these globalist ‘one world’ times.

If you are assuming that all of these births are to ‘native Irish’ mothers then you are likely being misled, although to what extent is unsure.

I queried the CSO on the requirement for a birth to be categorised as to an ‘Irish’ mother and wasn’t at all surprised to find out this is subjectively left up to the person completing the registration.

A foreign woman who arrives in Ireland, can register herself/the birth as ‘Irish’ in the hope it might confer some advantage on her and her offspring, and who could blame her.

This would be categorised as an ‘Irish’ birth, as above.

She can do this regardless of Irish ‘citizenship’, which in itself is a technical meaningless construct as regards being ‘Irish’.

Original Estimates

Based on these CSO birth figures I estimated the following Irish birth rates in the article:

2024: Estimated Irish 38500 (72% of Total Births)

The 2024 estimate represented a 2052 (5%) decrease on 2023 which was in itself 3099 (7%) down on 2022.

CSO 2024 Q1 Figures


The above 2024 Q1 Registered Birth figures show the following decline:

‘Irish’ Births in 2024 Q1 Down 637 (6%) on 2023 Q1 and down 2676 (21%) on 2022 Q1.

‘Irish’ as a % of Total Births Down to 72.9% ie down 1.3% since Q4 2023. In the whole of 2023 this percentage only fell .7%.

The ‘Irish’ as a % of Total Births has fallen steadily from 77.9% in 2015 to 72.9% in 2024.

I had predicted 2024 to fall to 72% of total birth for the full year, so I think it’s fair to say that unless there’s a complete about turn, then this will come to pass.

This is significant in explaining the current replacement taking place in our country.

The population of the Irish state is skyrocketing but the native ‘Irish’ population is disappearing through emigration and a declining birth rate.

‘Official Ireland’ won’t tell you that, but a ‘waycist’ like myself will, and will continue to do so to my dying breath.

The figures that will be presented in mainstream media tomorrow will say 13482 births but that is an attempt to hide what is already a drastic situation for the Irish nation.

Our young native Irish are being forced to emigrate because of the lack of housing.

Many of these will start their families abroad and are very unlikely to return as the housing situation worsens every day with our open borders immigration policy for unvetted males and other economic migrants.

These people are being brought in to work cheaply so that the cost of ‘Official Ireland’ civil service pensions can be met.

Oh, and when things get rough they will be the ones in the Guardstapo and army uniforms sent out on the streets to ‘quieten the natives’.

And believe me, they will try….

Even if there was housing and schooling available, who in their right mind would bring growing children back to this woke hell hole.

As I explain above, anyone can claim to be ‘Irish’ for birth registration purposes, so technically it’s possible the real Irish percentage is lower than shown above.

Surely, you say, no one could ‘identify’ as Irish without ‘Official Ireland’ looking for proof?

If you think that the vagueness of ‘Irish’ for the GRO is nuts, let me explain to you as per above, that ‘Official Ireland’ recognises as a fact, that a man can change gender to be a woman.

No, that’s not the punchline.

They can then apply for and get issued with a revised birth certificate (legal document) saying they were born a woman and in the next breath ‘Official Ireland’ will tell ‘said woman’ that ‘the legal recognition of your new gender is not retrospective’.

Stop laughing.

They will then let you legally change your mind about being a woman and everyone will carry on as if this is normal behaviour in a sane world.

You can laugh or cry now, whichever you think is most appropriate.

These are the evil mediocrity that are steering Ireland onto the rocks of depravity.

Inversion of the truth on a global scale.

“The whole world is asleep
You can look at it and weep
Few things you find are worthwhile
And though I don’t ask for much
No material things to touch
Lord, protect my child….”

God help us.