They can’t run from the truth:
Yesterday, 17th March 2023, Andrew Bridgen stood up for the second time in the House of Commons to report on the harms from the so-called vaccine roll out. MPs fled, frightened by the truth. (Richard Vobes/YT)
Lone Voice?
By Jeffrey Peel
Andrew Bridgen MP may have spoken to an empty House of Commons – but he’s not a lone voice. Write to your MP and ask them what they think about mRNA vaccines.
Many have noted Andrew Bridgen’s bravery in speaking to a largely empty House of Commons yesterday. It’s not easy being exposed and alone, with no support from colleagues, especially in the House of Commons. Just six MPs remained to hear his speech yesterday, St Patrick’s Day.
It was hardly surprising that no Northern Ireland MPs were taking part – most were off attending The White House’s Paddy’s Day junkets in DC. My MP, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, has been in Washington from March 14. So I took his absence as an opportunity to get him up to speed with what happened yesterday when Andrew got up in the Commons to speak about mRNA vaccines.
Feel free to use some or all of my letter to write to your MP.
TO: Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP
Dear Sir Jeffrey,
Yesterday, Andrew Bridgen MP made a speech to a nearly-empty House of Commons chamber. His speech focused on the mRNA vaccines that have been marketed by the manufacturers – Moderna and Pfizer – as safe and effective against Covid-19. He highlighted the evidence that showed that 1 in every 990 people vaccinated with the Pfizer booster suffered adverse reactions. The adverse reactions from the Moderna product is even worse (1 in every 662).
The government has also mounted a huge and costly communications campaign to stress the safety and efficacy of the vaccines (and to scare the population into getting them – as confirmed by the “Lockdown Files”). Indeed, it’s clear that dissenting views have been systematically censored by Ofcom and the so-called “Trusted News Initiative” collaboration between the BBC, other global news organisations and ‘big tech’. Even Andrew Bridgen’s video clip of his own speech was quickly removed by YouTube (now reinstated).
Since the so-called emergency use vaccines started to be administered across the globe, rates of excess death have increased. In Northern Ireland, your MLA, Paul Frew, has highlighted the increase in excess deaths here, post-vaccination. In total some 1,000 excess deaths (that’s 1,000 deaths above and beyond what might be expected by the five-year average pre-2019) have occurred in Northern Ireland in the last year.
Similar pictures have emerged across the globe. Even deaths attributed to Covid are greater post-vaccine than pre-vaccine (based on the Johns Hopkins University dataset). My recent co-produced video with Joel Smalley showed that the highest vaccinating countries tend to have the highest post-vaccination Covid death rate.
I am not suggesting that there is a proven, causal link between mRNA vaccines and these excess deaths. Some may be as a result of the abject failure of the NHS to provide appropriate care for many patients (other than Covid-19 positive patients) during 2020 to date. Waiting lists for most surgical interventions are now at all time highs – given the NHS fixation on just one, seasonal, virus.
However, the correlation between vaccination and conditions such as myocarditis is, surely, worthy of further consideration by the government and MPs. Elected members of parliament have a duty of care to their constituents to hear views that oppose the government (and opposition) preferred narrative if it’s clear that the policy narrative may have caused greater problems than the relatively mild condition it was supposed to mitigate. Had there been no dissent or counter-argument, Thalidomide might have been prescribed to pregnant women for much longer.
There is also growing evidence that Covid-19 interventions pre-vaccine may well have been highly damaging to elderly patients and those with comorbidities (e.g. radical ventilation regimens as recommended by the Chinese). Indeed this is largely accepted by the medical establishment. Therefore, the government needs to pay attention to what’s now killing our people post-vaccination.
I gather that you and other Northern Ireland MPs are in the United States attending events organised by the Biden/Democratic Party – rather than attending parliamentary business. However, I want to make it clear that there’s growing anger – across the UK – from a growing constituency of people who believe that much of the Covid policy implemented by our own government – often in lock-step with US policy – has not been in the best interests of our people.
Andrew Bridgen argued, yesterday, that the government should suspend mRNA vaccines. It seems to me entirely appropriate that a drug that seems to have resulted in little efficacy, and may be causing harms to our people, should be suspended pending further investigation. The government should most certainly NOT be entering into strategic partnerships with companies like Moderna, when so many questions must be answered about their clinical testing, product efficacy and side effects.
I was dismayed, yesterday, to see that the few MPs who stayed in the chamber to listen to Andrew were told in no uncertain terms (presumably by whips) to remove themselves from the chamber. It was a sad day for democracy. But, as my MP, I’d like you to make clear your position – and that of your party – on the issue of mRNA vaccines. There are many others in Northern Ireland – and across the UK – who’ll want to hear your response to this letter.
I’m publishing this letter on my Substack that is read by thousands of people in the UK – and overseas. I’ll undertake to publish the response.
Yours etc. Jeffrey Peel
Efficacy of the mRNA covid-19 booster, 17 Mar 2023:
Andrew Bridgen MP, leads an adjournment debate on the efficacy of the mRNA covid-19 booster. (Andrew Bridgen MP/YT)
Excerpt from Andrew Bridgen’s speech:
Andrew Bridgen; We have surely now sacrificed enough of our own citizens’:
Andrew Bridgen; We have surely now sacrificed enough of our own citizens’ lives on the alter of ignorance. “Big Pharma have put profits before people Governments across the globe have been their willing marketing agents. I therefore call on the government to immediately stop the mRNA booster programme and initiate a full public enquiry not only into the vaccine harms but how every agency set up to protect to public interest have failed so abysmally”.
Looking at the empty chamber we know they are all bought and paid for. (Nowadays Reality/Bitchute)
See also:
- Does your MP represent you?
- Jewish Scientists Stand with Andrew Bridgen MP
- MP Andrew Bridgen Suspended for Telling the Truth
- Interview of the Week – Matt le Tissier and Andrew Bridgen MP