Mandatory Vaccination For School Children? How to Get Your Child Out of School Now!

Will covid ‘vaccines’ become compulsory in order for pupils to be allowed to attend school? For some parents, this may be the last straw after a series of nonsensical and dehumanising regulations at schools throughout the past 12 months. Many parents have switched to home education, many more will do so, if this absolute nightmare of forcing children to be injected with an experimental, dangerous ‘vaccine’ that could possibly lead to death or infertility, becomes reality.

Here is proof that the NHS is actively looking for school immunisation professionals: Health Jobs UK

A reader brought this to attention: Under the job description on each vacancy they intend to use Gillick Competence to over-ride parent consent. We cannot let this happen!

Here is an example of a job description:

Detailed job description and main responsibilities

Facilitating and implementing the School Aged Immunisation Service. Delivery of a safe immunisation service for school age children to meet the contract KPIs. Assisting to influence and facilitate change within the setting and service areas. To undertake Gillick Competency Assessment for relevant pupils according to VUK policy and advise and immunise these pupils accordingly, in order to ensure that they are protected in a timely manner.