These comments are from below an article on Daily Sceptic and are worth reading:
By Elizabeth Hart
- Angus [Dr Angus Dalgleish] now recognises the Covid jabs are ‘disastrous’, but in July 2021 he was demanding that millions of young people discard their well-founded concerns about the jabs, and defer to his ‘expert’ unsolicited advice in the Daily Mail and submit to the Covid jabs which are unnecessary for young people.
‘Experts’… really, that word should be taken out of the dictionary.
With this article on The Daily Sceptic it appears Angus is seeking to protect the traditional vaccine industry, by isolating the Covid jabs as a bad egg.
Well sorry to disappoint you Angus, but the Covid debacle has opened up a whole can of worms about vaccination in general, including the blessed ‘traditional’ vaccine products on the schedule, see for example the NHS schedule.
The cat is out of the bag…time for an investigation of the ever-increasing number of lucrative vaccine products and revaccinations being foisted upon the community, from womb to tomb.
- So, looking at the NHS schedule think about the GlaxoSmithKline Bexsero MenB vaccine for instance, which is given to babies at 8 weeks and 16 weeks.
Andrew Pollard was involved with this vaccine product and he’s also the Chief Investigator on the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine trials.
Re men b – it’s a rare disease – but now the Bexsero MenB jab is pressed upon babies at 8 weeks and 16 weeks. This is an aluminium-adjuvanted vaccine.
The MenB vaccine was originally rejected for the NHS schedule until Andrew Pollard came along and became Chair of the UK Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, and then, lo, Bexsero MenB was added to the schedule.
And in 2020 there was Pollard comfortably ensconced as Chair of the JCVI, while also behind the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid jabs. That unaccountably got off the ground, against a virus it was known from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people.
There are serious conflicts of interest to be explored.
I was banned from commenting on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-funded Daily Telegraph for raising Andrew Pollard’s conflicts of interest.
For more background, see for example: Prof Pollard Again: Oxford University Hosts British Government Vaccine Committee by John Stone in 2016, which includes my referenced comments about Bexsero MenB.
Conflicts of interest and taxpayer-funded vaccination policy, way overdue for investigation.
- I noted above the Bexsero MenB vaccine is an aluminium-adjuvanted vaccine.
There are concerns about the safety of aluminium-adjuvanted vaccines but, as usual safety concerns are stifled.
It’s a long story… I’ve been trying to raise the alarm about this since 2013, see for example my email to Tom Jefferson, then a member of the Cochrane Vaccines field: Your review Adverse events after immunisation with aluminiumcontaining DTP vaccines: systematic review of the evidence
- Lots more of my emails about Tom Jefferson et al’s ‘systematic review’ on aluminium and vaccine safety on this webpage: Cochrane – Aluminium and vaccine safety
There are letters/emails to Peter Gøtzsche, co-founder of The Cochrane Collaboration; John McConnell, then editor of The Lancet Infectious Diseases; David Tovey, then editor in chief of The Cochrane Library; Mark Wilson, then CEO of Cochrane; and Chris Baggoley, then Australia’s Chief Medical Officer.
None of them would properly address what I consider to be Tom Jefferson et al’s scientifically unsound systematic review, which concluded “We found no evidence that aluminium salts in vaccines cause any serious or long-lasting adverse events” while also admitting “Overall, the methodological quality of included studies was low”. And then they said: “Despite a lack of good-quality evidence we do not recommend that any further research on this topic is undertaken”.Is that not bizarre? Why would they recommend against any further research on the topic?
I wasn’t the only one to think this was weird…
Christopher Exley, who has researched aluminium for years, wrote letters to The Lancet Infectious Diseases questioning Jefferson et al’s conclusions in 2004 and 2006.
- Another aluminium-adjuvanted vaccine is the HPV vaccine product that’s foisted upon young people.
In 2012, when it was announced in Australia that the Gardasil HPV vaccine would be given to boys, after being implemented for girls in 2007, I was very surprised to read HPV vax co-inventor Ian Frazer’s advertorial on The Conversation which noted:Through sexual activity, most of us will get infected with the genital papillomaviruses that can cause cancer. Fortunately, most of us get rid of them between 12 months to five years later without even knowing we’ve had the infection.Even if the infection persists, only a few individuals accumulate enough genetic mistakes in the virus-infected cell for these to acquire the properties of cancer cells. (My emphasis.)So why the heck are all the young people being given this aluminium-adjuvanted vaccine product?Are you beginning to see a pattern here? With the Covid jabs. With the Bexsero MenB jab. With the Gardasil HPV jab. These medical interventions are being pressed upon mass populations, to purportedly protect against diseases which aren’t a serious threat for most people.Mass populations are being exploited with highly questionable ‘vaccine’ products. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much to be investigated and exposed about taxpayer-funded and highly conflicted vaccination schedules.
See also: Stop the Death Jab