NEW! Advertise in the Freedom Magazine
We are now open for paid ads in the Freedom Magazine which launched in April 2024.
Please send your ad in an attachment to the same email address as in the newsletter after payment.
Prices for ads in single issues: ¼ page £20; ½ page £50, full page £100
Reduced prices for ads in six issues in a row: ¼ page £100; ½ page £250, full page: £500
Payable here:
Please note that we do not accept ads that promote medical products/health supplements and anything inappropriate. Although we are welcoming to people from all kinds of backgrounds, due to our Christian commitment, we also do not promote other religions, including spiritualism, esoteric, New Age or similar. If wanted, ads may also appear in the online newsletter.
Also new in the next Freedom Magazine: free ads for seeking like-minded people in your area as well as pen pals.