Our weekly newsletter is ending

After four years of publishing online, we have now decided to stop issuing the weekly newsletter. We have always been working as a very small team and have come to this conclusion because of the great time investment that was needed and a change in personal commitments which do not go together any more. We will, however, continue with the printed Freedom Magazine and the distribution of our books.

You are more than welcome to contribute to the Freedom Magazine. Please send your article(s) for consideration by contact form or by post. (Please ask for the postal address. You may also find it in the Freedom Magazine.)

Read this article about contributing before submitting your text: https://magazine.thewhiterose.uk/contribute/

Please do not send us links or articles for publishing on the website any more.

Articles that have been published on the website from 2020-2024 will soon be available in an extensive archive for all to view: https://thewhiterose.uk/archive

If you are subscribed to the weekly newsletter for £1.21/month, your subscription will end automatically on 24 October. You will not be charged anymore after that.

If you wish to support our work, please subscribe to the printed Freedom Magazine and share this link: https://magazine.thewhiterose.uk/

You may also support us by purchasing books and other items here: https://thewhiterose.uk/white-rose-products/

Many thanks for your loyalty and every bit of support!

With kindest regards,