WEF and Psychedelic Drugs – this Year’s Meetings in Davos

Simultaneous to the WEF meeting, another meeting is taking place in Davos, where influencers and rich people are promoting psychedelic drugs. Psychedelics are hallucinogenic drugs that alter the consumer’s conscious perception. See: the dangers of psychedelic drugs. Many of the participants are involved in New Age ritualism, esoteric and similar practices that lead people astray.

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Monkey Pox – The Next Planned ‘Pandemic’?

It appears that western governments and media are running with what Bill Gates foreshadowed as ‘the next pandemic’. This latest ‘zoonotic’ sensation appears to be the obscure and exotic monkeypox virus, which has already grabbed the headlines, as members of the embryonic global government confab, the G7, are already throwing hundreds of millions in public

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Legal Letter to the British Government

Prime Minister The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Care of The Litigation Group The Government Legal Department 102 Petty France London SW1H 9GL 6th May 2022 By e-mail: thetreasurysolicitor@governmentlegal.gov.uk And by post Dear Sirs, Request for an Urgent Review regarding forthcoming WHA agenda item I am writing on behalf of Dr. R.

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This Is Premeditated Murder

Dr David E Martin gives explosive information in Canadian zoom meeting. (The Canadian Independent/Rumble) Visit Prosecute Now: http://prosecutenow.com/ A UK reader writes: This is not fiction but fact. Too many people are dying after being frightened into taking these spike protein jabs for covid. There are millions of people in this country that know what

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