Petitions: Do Not Make Vaccination Against Covid-19 Mandatory


Petition on CitizenGo

At a December press conference, prime minister Boris Johnson has said that there may come a point when the UK has to have a national conversation about mandatory coronavirus vaccination.

Politicians often float ideas to see how the public responds before introducing new laws and policies; therefore, it is time to make a stand and let the government know the strength of opposition to any such move.

The government has already ignored a sizable rebellion in the House of Commons and introduced vaccine passports despite the evidence suggesting that they do not work. Boris Johnson, therefore, needs to know the enormous strength of opposition to any scheme to introduce compulsory vaccination or expansion of the vaccine passports scheme. As the omicron variant sweeps through the country, Boris Johnson is going to come under increasing pressure to be seen to act. As we have seen with the booster programme, the vaccine requirement is likely to change and extend over time.

Vaccination is a health treatment that should benefit a person based on their individual needs. Whether or not to receive the vaccine should be an entirely personal choice based on an individual’s specific circumstances.

Every vaccination carries the risk of side effects. Many people will decide that the risks of vaccination outweigh the risks of Covid-19, which is their personal decision. Nobody should be treated as a means to an end and required to jeopardise their health or go against their conscience or firmly-held religious beliefs for the good of others.

When it comes to coronavirus, vaccine status primarily tells the individual about their own chances of becoming seriously ill and not whether or not they pose a risk to others.

The latest research from Oxford University demonstrates that in the case of the Delta variant, both the vaccinated and unvaccinated have similar risks of transmitting the virus. This is borne out by statistics from the UK’s Health Security Agency that show consistently similar or higher rates of infection amongst the vaccinated.

It is a violation of human rights and several international treaties to use force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching or another ulterior form of constraint or coercion to make people receive medical treatment against their will. Consent to a vaccine or any medical treatment should be informed and voluntary.

Nobody should have to be forced to give up their personal bodily autonomy in order to put food on the table.

The introduction of mandatory vaccinations would unfairly discriminate against a significant minority based on their personal medical choices and lead to a two-tier society whereby the unvaccinated are banned from full participation in society and become an underclass.

The media is already beginning to propagate terrifying rhetoric against the unvaccinated, who are portrayed as a threat to society. Scientific evidence demonstrates that vaccines are only effective in stopping people from becoming seriously ill from coronavirus. They do not halt the spread of the disease.

Requiring everyone to be certified as ‘safe’ to go about their daily lives is a step on the road to authoritarianism. It opens the gate towards a chilling system of social credit.

Sign the petition to say no to mandatory vaccination and allow individuals to choose for themselves.

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Do not make vaccination against Covid-19 mandatory

Do not under any circumstances make vaccination against Covid-19 a requirement for the public. To coerce in the form of fines or otherwise, as is being proposed in Austria, would be a grotesque violation of bodily autonomy.

Anyone’s body is not the property of the government. The Government must not make medical decisions for people without their explicit consent. This is a fundamental human right.

It doesn’t matter how dangerous a virus is. We believe a government forcing people to get injections sets a far, far more dangerous precedent.

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