Prayer Chain

In these dark days, anyone who does some research is able to gain an insight into the deep abyss of God’s enemies. The horrors are revealed as perhaps never before. But let us not forget, the darker it gets around us, the stronger the light appears!

Is there anything you can do against evil agendas that are currently corrupting our world? Yes, there is! Apart from the usual resistance, don’t underestimate the power of prayer. United as people, we are strong, but united with God, all things are possible! With prayer, one is never alone. Prayer consoles in times of distress and prayer can work miracles. Prayer gives strength and hope during hardship and prayer is a way to express gratitude. Being grateful brings joy to the soul.

Who are God’s enemies?

Those who kill and murder out of hatred towards humanity; those who deliberately promote the killing of pre-born children out of greed or for satanic worship; those who spread this evil child sacrifice through the injection of contaminated ‘vaccines’; those who coerce everyone to take part in this evil sacrifice; those who maim and destroy other people’s lives with dangerous mRNA ‘vaccines’; those who lie non-stop, who spread fear, who manufacture crises and fake pandemics, who plan and provoke wars, and who then pour scorn on all the suffering they have caused.

The enemies of God want us to believe that humans need to be ‘corrected’ with vaccines, and ‘updated’ through AI and transhumanism. They want us to believe that we are the main cause of alleged problems on the planet, aka ‘climate change’. They try to brainwash us into believing that there are too many of us, whilst hiding their own greed and hypocrisy in plain sight. They are the ones who are actively causing damage to the sky, to the air we breathe, to the water we use, to all of God’s creation. They want to destroy farming so that more suffer from poverty and hunger, so that they can poison us with their fake food. The misused word ‘green’ has become synonymous with their anti-human agenda disguised as ‘saving the planet’.

They confuse the youth with their sick agendas where everything is turned upside down and perverted. They stole the rainbow symbol, misused it and twisted its original meaning. A man can be called a woman, a woman a man, and if you don’t agree, you may be persecuted and prosecuted. Their motto seems to be: ‘Lying is good and telling the truth is bad.’ However, the Bible warns us:

‘Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.’ — Isaias 5:20

Are we at war?

Yes, we are at war. It is a war of good against evil. It is a spiritual war. A war against Satan and his company who are constantly trying to pull us down into the abyss. The good are fighting on the side of God and His Angels. Saint Michael the Archangel and all the other Heavenly Angels are defending our souls in this crucial battle.

There is so much evil in today’s world, it cries to Heaven. Lord, help us!

Is there hope?

Yes. There is a lot of hope. We are on the winning side. The evil-doers are weaker than God. In the end, all evil spirits and their allies will have to surrender. God is mightier than any living being, any spirit or anything created, be it in Heaven, on earth, in the visible world or beyond.

If you are with God, you are on the winning side. Even if it is a tough battle which includes suffering and loss we are the victors. The evil will perish. They are not aware of their downfall and if they do not convert, they will pay the full price for everything they have done. All evil agendas and false ideologies will pass away, but truth will prevail.

Being in a battle means to fight and defend. Our strongest weapon is prayer. We must pray, pray, pray. Prayer is more powerful than the most powerful leaders of this corrupt world. Through prayer we can witness miracles. We can trust in God because from Him comes the greatest power. He is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. He has the power to give and to take life. He also has the power to work miracles in our daily lives.

‘O God, who is like to Thee?’ — Psalms 70:19

Prayer chain

Chose a day of the week or a time of day to pray regularly. Pray:

  • That truth comes to light;
  • That evil rulers lose their power;
  • For the conversion of those who are on the wrong side;
  • For the protection of all unborn children;
  • For the protection and sanctity of children at school and in society;
  • For the protection of families, God’s plan for sanctity;
  • For the private intentions and the families of those connected to this prayer chain;
  • That all evil plans may come to nothing;
  • That all evil influence may be constrained;
  • That humanity may return to God’s order and peace.


Ways to pray

Choose from any of the prayers below. Try to pray sincerely and from the heart. You might not always be in the same mood when praying. On some days you may feel closer to God and on other days you may be distracted, feel low or empty and dry, as in a desert. Don’t worry! Keep praying. Persistence is the key to success, and every single prayer is heard by God.


If you can, pray together with others who share your faith. However, all of us who seek the truth and pray to God are united spiritually through Christ, even if we live hundreds or thousands of miles apart. It is encouraging to know that others who share your faith are also praying regularly for the same intentions.

‘For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.’ — Matthew 18:20

May God bless you!

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