Rally at Rutgers University, New Brunswick

This is for our American friends. A reader who is organising a rally has asked The White Rose UK to publish this announcement. If you happen to be somewhere near, we encourage you to take part:

There is going to be a rally at Rutgers University! It is located on College Ave in New Brunswick, New Jersey and will occur on 21 May at 11am. The primary purpose of this rally is for We The People standing for our freedom before it is too late. Moreover, it involves saying “No!” to medical mandates, especially in an educational setting. The time has come for society to unify. Too many people who we believed we could trust and depend on have tried to divide the general public and override constitutional rights. We are going to show them that division attempts will no longer be tolerated and that we are taking back our freedoms! Please join us and share with everyone you know. We look forward to standing with you!