Resistance in Italy – the WHO Must be Removed

In April 2020, through Carlo Taormina, Roberto Fiore and Pierfrancesco Belli, Vicit Leo organised a conference entitled ‘Delenda WHO’ (remove the WHO).

The theme of the conference, which was totally unprecedented and radical and set out a few weeks after the start of covid-19, made it clear that the great health crisis stemmed from the modus operandi of the World Health Organisation.
With its ‘virologists’, fake scientists and its anchor governments, essentially under the tutelage of Gates, the story of the epidemic had developed dramatically creating, for the first time in history, a case of universal lockdown.
Heavy repercussions within economies meant the start of a new philosophy and a new organisation of work, from which originated the GREAT RESET.

In many countries people rebelled: in some countries like Serbia lockdowns were averted in Belarus, in many African countries, in Taiwan the OMS strategies failed totally.
This is thanks to some scientists, some politicians and brave people who decided to risk imprisonment to defend their freedom.

At first, we were surprised, but it was not long before news, information and courageous stances began to emerge confirming our theory.
Namely, that those who ran the covid-19 narrative would revolutionise the ancient Hippocratic concept.
The virus would be turned into a big business opportunity, disempowering governments, depressing economies and finally concluding its narrative with a major vaccination campaign.

After months and months, the WHO system began to creak.

We saw corruption cases opened against people like Arcuri in Italy and middlemen who profited by €67 million on swabs and other products.
The entire Italian structure was also in crisis, with Ranieri Guerra, Crisanti and Riccardi opposing judicial enquiries with diplomatic immunity, in contempt of the thousands of victims of their strategy of terror, which began with the scandal of the non-existent pandemic plan, covered thoroughly by television programmes such as Report.
“Delenda WHO” was already talking about all of this in April 2020.

The second phase of the fight against WHO is now gaining momentum with the filing of the complaint to the Italian Magistrature regarding the violation of the constitutionally guaranteed rights of freedom of expression and movement, as well as the health of citizens, in relation to the legislative regulations that have followed since February 2021.
The legal action is brought before the European Court of Human Rights against the Italian State, for violation – also in relation to the constitutional dictates and regulations transposing EU Directives – of the freedoms guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights and its additional protocols with regard to vaccination as the only solution to the (false) pandemic.

As Monsignor Viganò said: “We are witnessing in these months the formation of two sides that I would call biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the largest part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority; yet the former are subject to a sort of discrimination that places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in the State, in politics, in the economy and even in the media.”

English Newsletter from Vicit Leo: