John Mason MSP mocks people for asking questions about vaccine injuries (Mark Stey/GB News/YT):
Here is an email reply from John Mason MSP to a reader:
Thanks, Roy, for your email.
I am happy to make a few comments:
- If someone has been injured for any reason, then I have every sympathy with them.
- The vaccines are extremely safe and have clearly saved many lives both in Scotland and around the world. They have also saved many more from serious illness and hospitalisation.
- More generally, vaccines have been around for hundreds of years and are a well-used, effective and trusted method of prevention from illness. I myself have had vaccinations at various times of my life including against Typhoid, Cholera, etc when I have been travelling to particular countries. I am very grateful for all of these.
- Most people have only very minor side effects from their jags such as flu-like symptoms and a sore arm for perhaps 24 hours. This is what happened to me with the CoViD jags (but they were less severe than my reaction to the Typhoid jag).
- If someone claims that the vaccines have injured them, then they absolutely have my sympathy. I would hope they would be taken seriously by their GP and other medical professionals. If they are unhappy with their treatment, by all means they should approach their local MSP for support. I personally am more than willing to engage with any constituent who is suffering from any medical condition.
- However, it seems clear on social media and elsewhere that there is a lot of exaggeration about possible vaccine injuries. The CoViD Committee in the Scottish Parliament, of which I am a member, has been conducting an inquiry into misinformation and disinformation. This is clearly a wider problem in society but particularly around the pandemic, CoViD itself, and the vaccines.
- I still have the question – If vaccines are causing so many injuries, how come someone has not gone to court suing the NHS or seeking a judicial review. I suspect this is because they know their evidence is weak and would not stand up in court, however courts can decide that.
- I would certainly encourage everyone eligible for a vaccine to get one. We know they are extremely safe and the benefits by far outweigh any disadvantages. I have had three jags so far and will take a fourth if that is recommended for my age group (now I am 65).
I hope that is helpful but feel free to come back to me with any further questions.
Yours sincerely
John Mason
MSP for Glasgow Shettleston – BPA airson Baile Nighean Sheadna, Glaschu
1335 Gallowgate, Parkhead Cross, Glasgow G31 4DN
Office: 0141-550 4327
Mobile: 07879 430 877
Vaccine injury is real:
- COVID-19 Vaccine Analysis Overview
- Pfizer Knew Their Vaccine Would Kill
- The Vax Scandal
- ‘So Many People Don’t Report It, or Don’t Know How To’
- Vaccine Damage Bill – Organise a National TV Debate
- Pfizer Data Dump Safety Shock
- On its website, the government states that the covid injection in not recommended for children under 12 years. (scroll down to “Children”: — so why does the NHS send out letters for younger children to get vaccinated?