Scottish Vaccine Injury Rally

The photograph below is from the Glasgow Rally for those poisoned and maimed or murdered by the covid jab. The lady on mic is talking about her late husband who was murdered by the jab! You can also see a gentleman that lost his leg from blood clots… Photo credit: Roy M McIntosh.

See also:

  • Scottish Vaccine Injury Group – “A growing community of Scottish individuals who have experienced adverse reactions to, or have been bereaved by, Covid-19 vaccines.”
  • Covileaks — “We strongly believe the ‘vaccine’ has not been proven safe or effective, is harming millions and for some, it has been fatal.”
  • Real Not Rare —”Our government asked us to do our part to stop the virus. We thought we were doing the right thing. Now we are injured, many severely. We are hurting, in pain, and losing our jobs. We are demanding our government do the right thing by acknowledging our injuries, as well as establish compensation for the tens of thousands who have been injured or have died.”