Adverse Reactions

Why Are Kids Dropping Like Flies?

During an Advisory Committee Meeting Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment presented 30 slides that contain important questions on the safety of giving the covid ‘vaccine’ to children. Steve Kirsch writes: On October 26, I was invited by the FDA to give a 3-minute slide presentation during the Open Public Hearing session

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Doctors Are Violating the First Principle of Medicine Because They Cannot Promote Their Patients’ Best Interest First

By Judy Wilyman PhD It is the ‘education’ and regulation of doctors that is preventing doctors from practising medicine with integrity in 2020-21. The information provided by the Australian Government Therapeutic Goods Administrator (TGA), that is summarised in our legal letter to decline this injection states that COVID19 vaccines are: Experimental and include new untested

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Dr Patricia Lee: ‘I Have Never Witnessed So Many Vaccine-Related Injuries Until This Year’

In a letter dated Sept. 28 to officials at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an ICU physician detailed her concerns about the adverse reactions, including deaths, she witnessed in people who had received a covid vaccine. Dr. Patricia Lee, a licensed physician in California, said

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