Adverse Reactions
Modelled Number of Lives Saved and Real Deaths
Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen are joined by Joe Boyd for Friday’s UK Column News. Topics in the video: (list will follow)
Are the Vaccinated More Likely to Die From Delta Variant?
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, David Scott and Alex Thomson with Wednesday’s UK Column News. Topics in this video: UK Genomics Industry Menstrual Vaccine Adverse Reactions Adverse Reactions Vary According To European Culture Frightening People? London Pro-Freedom Pro-Medical Choice March Through The Lens of BBC Fake News Vaccine Conditional Freedom Lisbon Court Rules 0.9% Of Alleged…
How Covid ‘Vaccine’ Deaths Are Being Covered Up
Anything was attributed to covid before – but when healthy people die straight after the covid jab, the reason for death is stretched and twisted. Below is another response, given from ONS gov, to a reader who wanted information on how many people are dying from the covid jab. (See previous response here.) You can…
1356 Reported Deaths After Covid Jab in UK
UK Column have developed a Yellow Card analysis overview interactive chart. It shows the amount of reported adverse reactions and fatalities after the covid injection. In the drop-down, you are able to chose or type in a specific illness and product to get accurate data. These reports show just a small percentage of all adverse…
Enough Evidence to Declare That Covid Vaccines are Unsafe
The Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd and EbMC Squared CiC, Dr Tess Lawrie, has examined all Yellow Card data collected by the MHRA from COVID-19 vaccine adverse events and deaths reported in the UK. She has produced an Urgent preliminary report of Yellow Card data up to 26th May 2021 to Dr Raine,…
1,213 Reported Deaths from Covid Jab
UK Column have developed a Yellow Card analysis overview interactive chart. It shows the amount of reported adverse reactions and fatalities after the covid injection. In the drop-down you are able to chose or type in a specific illness and product to get accurate data. These reports show just a small percentage of all adverse…
Doctors and Scientists Write to the European Medicines Agency, Warning of Covid-19 Vaccine Dangers
Ahead of European Green Certificate (vaccine passport) vote in the European Parliament on April 28, the experts warn that cardinal symptoms of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) dominate the list of adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines. For the urgent personal attention of Emer Cooke, Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency Emer Cooke, Executive Director,…