Agenda 2030

  • Woke ‘Education’ Forces Children to Believe in Lies

    A battle of wits ensued between the experienced teacher and the 13-year-olds. The teacher opened with a strong salvo of biological facts, such as there being three biological sexes, as well as multiple gender identities. Well, she gave up at two. The children returned fire with their own biological weaponry: boys have penises and girls…

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  • 200,000 Cows to be Killed to Fight ‘Climate Change’?

    200,000 Cows to be KILLED to fight “Climate Change”: Government Proposal (Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov/YT): Roman Balmakov explains why slaughtering hundred-thousands of cows because of ‘climate change’ makes no sense at all, unless there’s some kind of dark agenda behind it all. He also talks about the situation of Dutch farmers, and their important…

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  • Writing Challenge May 2023 : We’ve Got to Stop Them and Your Help Is Needed!

    Want to take part in this writing challenge? Click here to find out how it goes. What are they doing to us? They’ve injected the death jab into billions of people across the globe. They’re putting their nanotech junk into food and other injectables. They’re poisoning our air with chemtrails and manipulating the weather. They’re…

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  • 15-Minute Surveilled Ghettos Sold As ‘Neighbourhood Projects’

    15-minute cities are ghettos that will control people and restrict their freedom of movement. They are part of the ‘great reset’ and Agenda 2030, issued by Klaus Schwab and others from the World Economic Forum. However, those who want us to ‘own nothing and be happy‘, or in other words, who want us to be…

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  • We Are Being Horribly Abused by Lies, False Propaganda and Suppression of the Truth

    By Douglas Brodie To: First Minister of Scotland, currently Ms Nicola Sturgeon MSP serving out her notice to quit; Mr Drew Hendry, SNP MP for Inverness and Nairn  Bcc: Family and friends; Various  Introduction  My last email of 14th January entitled “Why do so few of the general public smell a rat?” was posted online…

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  • Covid Was Just the Beginning: Climate Lockdowns Are the Next Stage of the Great Reset Agenda

    Pro-freedom activist and author Marc Morano explains how covid lockdowns were a mere precursor to the climate lockdowns now being discussed by our elites. Morano also suggests practical ways to fight the ongoing implementation of the Great Reset agenda. Today’s guest on The John-Henry Westen Show is a fun one. His mouth moves a mile…

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  • Archbishop Viganò: The Globalist New World Order Has the Marks of the ‘Antichurch of Satan’

    The State Religion Some observations on the globalist cult  It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hand or forehead.  No one could buy or sell except for those who had the stamped image, that is, the name of the beast or…

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  • We Better Pay Attention – Brain Control and Criminalising Free Speech

    Klaus Schwab exposed: Clayton Morris: We better pay attention to what their doing to us: The United Nations is about to criminalize anyone who spreads misinformation that causes social disorder and hatred. Draft versions of the documents reveal that the UN may criminalize social posts that promote “hatred” – including “ideological” and “political” – in…

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  • Mask Scam Resurfacing

    Those driving the fake pandemic and the Agenda 2030 are trying to scare people into wearing useless, dumb masks again, to make us look and behave like muzzled slaves. This time there will be far less compliance – hopefully. Someone has even launched a petition to make the masks mandatory on public transport. Fear and…

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  • The Plan – Documentary

     The World Health Organisation has planned for 10 years of infectious diseases – from 2020 to 2030. After two years of psychological warfare tormenting the global population under the guise of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more critically-thinking people are beginning to awaken to the realization that the Corona panic is a scam. That’s…

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