Andrew Bridgen

  • The WHO Is Staging A Global Power Grab and No One’s Doing Anything!

    The World Health Organization could gain new powers to force individual countries into lockdown if the event of another pandemic. Under a draft update to WHO regulations, member states would need to follow some precise instructions when responding to pandemics such as introducing vaccine passports, border closures and quarantine measures. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt…

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  • All of Us, Together, Can Win This

    By Ray Wilson “If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon. If you believe there’s nothing up his sleeve, then nothing is cool.” REM It is Saturday, May 13th, and I woke up in the night thinking about the future for our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. It’s been a…

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  • Conflict of Interest – MHRA Has £1.5 Million Contract with Genpact

    Andrew Bridgen MP calls for a debate on the Perseus Report and the conflict of interest in the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency £1.5 million contract with Genpact to use artificial intelligence to analyse Yellow Card adverse event reports associated with covid-19 injections when Genpact has long-term contracts with AstraZeneca and Pfizer. (Andrew Bridgen/YT)…

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  • Statement from Andrew Bridgen

    “There has been much speculation following my suspension and subsequent expulsion from the Conservative Party as to my next move. Despite having a right to an appeal and strong grounds to pursue one, I have decided not to do so. This is because I have lost faith in the Conservative Party and the impartiality of…

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  • Andrew Bridgen MP: ‘We Are In Danger of Giving Them More Powers’

    Andrew Bridgen MP speaks in the debate on the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) pandemic prevention and preparedness treaty and accompanying amendments to the international health regulations, to raise his objections to signing up to treaties that would empower the WHO’s director-general to impose sweeping, legally binding directives on member states overriding UK sovereignty. (Andrew Bridgen…

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  • The Undemocratic Tyranny of Modern Government

    Introduction  I recently sent an email now posted online as My campaigning swan song. That withdrawal from campaigning has been set back by the arrival of an unexpected and unsolicited NHS appointment for a potentially disabling or even fatal Covid booster jab, which also faces friends and family of my same age cohort. I really…

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  • The Truth Be Told – Together We Will Prevail

    By Ray Wilson I haven’t listened to BBC Radio 4 in over three years, but by chance the station was on the shop radio. I was surprised to hear a presenter on the Today programme mention that the I Paper, published on March 24th, had an exclusive article on vaccine injuries. The article by Paul…

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  • Digital ID – Is the Government Lying Again?

    Just what is going on? The Government are claiming there are no plans to bring in digital IDs, and yet, all over the internet is the proof that they are doing just that! (Richard Vobes/YT) Andrew Bridgen MP calls for a debate on any Government plans for the introduction of digital IDs. (Andrew Bridgen MP/YT)…

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