
  • 1143 Covid Jab Deaths In the UK (6 May 2021)

    UK Column have developed a Yellow Card analysis overview interactive chart. It shows the amount of reported adverse reactions and fatalities after the covid injection. In the drop-down you are able to chose or type in a specific illness and product to get accurate data. These reports show just a part of the adverse reactions…

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  • Crime Report Concerning AstraZeneca “Vaccine”

    A reader has sent us copies of a crime report and letters to his clinic for publishing here. In his letters below he points out the dangers and crimes that are being committed while patients are pressed to take the AstraZeneca “vaccine”. (Highlights in bold added by TWR.) Letter to the police Dear Commander Aitkin…

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  • 7,766 Dead 330,218 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Reactions for Covid-19 “Vaccines”

    How many people are dying or suffering from adverse reactions? Here are the European database reports. Covid-19 Vaccine adverse drug reactions: 7766 dead and 330,218 injuries on April 17, 2021. Covid-19 MRNA vaccine Moderna Covid-19 MRNA vaccine Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 vaccine AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine Janssen Source from the website European Medicines Agency. Chose C for Covid:…

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  • Growing Number of People Anxious After Having AstraZeneca Jab

    “People who have had the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine are seeking help at A&E despite having only mild side effects such as headaches, in the wake of the controversy over whether the jab causes blood clots. Emergency medicine doctors in England told the Health Service Journal that a growing but unspecified number of people who were anxious…

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  • Mainstream Media Now Reporting on AstraZeneca Vaccine Linked to Blood Clots

    Finally, we hear in the mainstream media about one of the dangerous side effects of the Covid vaccine. For months experts and groups like The White Rose UK have warned that this vaccine is not to be trusted. The Daily Telegraph published an article about this, stating: “Marco Cavaleri, the head of vaccines at the…

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