Blood Cells

Switzerland: Blood Analysis After Covid Vaccination

Dr Armin Koroknay graduated in pharmacy and biology, with specializations in toxicology, genetics, immunobiology, tumor biology, medical microbiology, virology, neurobiology, anthropology. He is the author of numerous academic publications. (srmgin/Bitchute) Some parts of the video are in French, but Armin Koroknay speaks in English about his research. The blood analysis shows that blood clotting occurs

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Dr Richard Fleming: ‘Nobody in Their Right Mind Would Put This Garbage In a Human Being’

Gone in 60 seconds: Covid vaccines deplete oxygen from red blood cells. In this video Dr Richard Fleming exposes the mass vaccination nonsense by sharing the scientific knowledge from his research examinations under the microscope. Dr Richard Fleming is a cardiologist, nuclear cardiologist, certified in positron emission tomography (PET),  Juris Prudence Doctor of Law, researcher,

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