Two Warnings About the Use of Masks
Masks contain chemicals that can cause cancer and can cause brain damage For 25 years I was the editor of a trade magazine called HazMat Management that covered such topics as pollution prevention and compliance with health and safety laws. We routinely published articles on masks, gloves, respirators, and other forms of personal protective equipment…
NHS Board Member: Our Children Are Next
From the UK Column News: The senior NHS Board Member warns that the government is now controlling the NHS, and it is the government that is actually dictating what the NHS should do during Covid emergency measures. She states that the result of the government’s enforced Covid and Vaccination Policies can be described as genocide.…
Ban the Use of Face Masks in Schools
The petition says: Face coverings should be banned in schools as they can inhibit communication which could restrict learning and could create social stigma. Besides that there are more reasons for banning mask wearing: Children are suffering physically and mentally from having to wear a mask and from being surrounded by mask wearers. Face masks…