From the Original Saint Nicholas to the Pagan, Commercialised Santa Claus
Saint Nicholas of Myra (traditionally 15 March 270 – 6 December 343), also known as Nicholas of Bari, was an early Christian [Catholic] bishop of Greek descent from the maritime city of Myra in Asia Minor (Greek: Μύρα; modern-day Demre, Turkey) during the time of the Roman Empire. Author Ave Collins, notes, “Nicholas was born…
The Great Conspiracy in History That No One Talks About – Part III
The following is an excerpt from the book Global Conspiracy, by Hugh Williams, available at St Edward’s Press Ltd. To order the book, please visit the publisher’s website here. This is part III of The Great Conspiracy in History That No One Talks About. Click here to read part I: The Protestant Reformation and its…
Abp. Viganò: The Vatican Must Withdraw Its Support of the ‘Disastrous’ Covid Shots
The results that are now emerging from the official data published in all the countries that adopted the mass vaccine campaign are incontestably disastrous. Below follows the text of a letter sent by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to Cardinal Luis Ladaria Ferrer, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on the moral…
The Great Conspiracy in History That No One Talks About (Part I)
The following is an excerpt from the book Global Conspiracy, by Hugh Williams, available at St Edward’s Press Ltd. To order the book, please visit the publisher’s website here. This is part I of The Great Conspiracy in History That No One Talks About. Click here to read part II: People’s Lives Depended on, and…
Abp. Viganò: The Universal Masonic Brotherhood Fears the Power of the Holy Rosary
Archbishop Viganò Addresses the March For Catholics (Our Warpath/YT): Dear friends, The President of Our Warpath, Joseph Rigi, invited me to speak at this first National March for Catholics, organized on the feast of St. Michael the Archangel – which the Church celebrates on September 29 – to gather under the banner of the Cross…
John-Henry Westen: Pope Francis Is the Chaplain of the New World Order
By John Henry Weston Today at the Catholic Identity Conference I delivered a speech outlining a call of resistance to Pope Francis on behalf of our supporters and confreres in this crusade to resist the onset of the New World Order. Sadly, our Holy Father has acted much like a pawn or even a leader…
Why Did Churches Support Lockdown and Vaccination?
Many of us who fought on the side of truth and freedom were disappointed when churches shut their doors during lockdown and followed rules that went against reason and faith, including mask wearing and ‘social distancing’. We shook our heads in disbelief as church officials recommended or even pressured the faithful to take an experimental…
Traditional Catholic Prayers on the Death of a Monarch and for the New Monarch
Psalm 50 Misere (Repentance) (All kneel, and alternate verses with the priest) P: Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense. A: Thoroughly wash me from my guilt and of my sin cleanse me. P: For I acknowledge my offense, and my sin is…
Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Pope Francis has invited the Bishops from around the world to pray the consecration for humanity, Ukraine and Russia. The consecration will take place during the Lenten penitential service in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican on Friday 25 March 2022, at 5 pm Rome time (4 pm GMT). The formal Act of Consecration will…
Free Pastor Pawlowski
Petiton on Pastor Artur Pawlowski (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) has defied unconstitutional restrictions and closures for his Church. He has now been arrested. They hunted him down like he’s a terrorist. Police cars swarmed him as he drove home from his church. They ordered him out of his car and made him kneel down on…