Climate Change Fraud
The Green Cheat – Order Update
Apologies to all who have ordered the book The Green Cheat. The book has now finally been printed after some delay due to overwork. We are looking forward to receiving the top-quality hardback books shortly. After that, it will take a few more days to arrive at your delivery address. If you haven’t ordered The…
Bill Gates is funding Tampa as a 15-minute city?
Bill Gates is funding Tampa’s move to remake 40 water front acres into a 15 minute city. I wonder if a massive hurricane will help that process along? (Redacted/YT) Tampa, Florida is set to become one of the next “15-minute cities” under the ambitious M.O.V.E.S. plan—Mobility, Opportunity, Vision, Equity, and Safety. This billion-dollar project is…
Turning off the UK – electricity is being rationed
Turning off the UK – electricity is being rationed. If you were given a ration book, you’d understand. (Katie Hopkins/YT) Labour don’t want you to watch this video Clean energy is a dirty business Throwing Out the Climate Change Narrative Would Be the Best Thing to Happen for All of Us Big Changes in the…
Climate change: a crumbling myth
Great to see something we have been doing for centuries actually counters the myth that Man-Made Global Warming is a thing, or even necessary to worry about. (Richard Vobes/YT) NET ZERO: “Electricity prices are where the pain is going to be felt” Net Zero is accelerating policies putting energy prices through the roof. Britain is…
The Climate According to AI Al Gore
A new film claims to reveal the real truth behind Al Gore’s climate change agenda. (Avi Yemini/Bitchute) About the film: Former Vice President Al Gore proclaimed a “climate emergency,” and became the godfather of today’s worldwide climate change movement. Al Gore, who was no scientist, repeatedly claimed his Harvard professor Roger Revelle was the source…
Discount on bulk orders – The Green Cheat
This eye-opening book has the potential to end the ongoing ‘green’ fraud. A true wake-up call for us all. If you have already ordered The Green Cheat, thank you very much for your support! Please help us spread the book: offer a copy at your local library, give to friends and family members or share…
NatWest launches payment tracking to crack down on meat and dairy purchases
NatWest Bank not only spying on your private purchases but actively nudging you to ditch healthy food, like meat and diary, and pushing for carbon-neutral pap! A major international bank has launched a new payment monitoring system to track customers’ purchases as part of a crackdown on the general public buying meat and dairy products.…
Clean energy is a dirty business
By Kristen Walker Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are probably aware of the massive push to transition to green energy. The goal is to have wind and solar replace coal and natural gas; the electric vehicle (EV) will supposedly replace internal combustion engines. Directives are coming from the highest office in the…
The Uni-Party’s Net Zero utopia – Australia
The government claims they’ll build 40 huge wind turbines every month, 22,000 solar panels every day and at least 10,000 kilometres of power lines – in less than 6 years. Despite their promises of a ‘net-zero’ utopia, they have no idea how many has even been built. As coal power stations are forced to shut…