There Is No More Doubt that the Covid Vax Is Killing People
At the Exit The Who conference in Dublin (Feb 6, 2024). Andrew Bridgen MP explains the sneaky tactics being employed to trick the public into giving away their democratic rights under the guise of ‘for your health and safety’. (AislingOLoughlin/Bitchute) Steve Kirsch Speaks To Members Of The U.K. Parliament About The Dangers Of COVID Vaccines…
Press Conference Demanding an End to Biden’s Military Vaccine Mandate
Dr. Paul Hosts Press Conference on Ending Military COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate (Rand Paul/Rumble): Rand Paul hosted a Press Conference (11/30/22), accompanied by several Republican Senators, demanding a vote to end Biden’s military C19 vax mandate. But before making their way to the podium, they wrote a letter to their colleagues in Washington, D.C. Here’s a…
‘Banks Create Money Out of Thin Air’ – Mads Palsvig – International Covid Conference in Budapest
How to remove poverty and guarantee everyone on Earth a life in dignity with a fair chance of achieving his/her full potential. The world is abundant. If anyone is poor, then it is by design. There are many ways where it is possible to both ensure more individual freedom and at the same time ensure…
Former PM of Malaysia Spoke Accurately About New World Order in 2015 – Putin Mentions End of ‘American World Order’
New World Order addressed by Dr Mahathir former prime minister of Malaysia – 2015 (The Last 7/YT): Back in March 2015 at the International Conference of the New World Order when the later future Prime Minister of Malaysia told us exactly what was going to happen, including mass sterilization, starvation, and genocide.
Canada Freedom Convoy: ‘We Must Not Waver’
Freedom Convoy Address to the Nation, Feb 6 2022 ‘State of Emergency Update’: Freedom Convoy Leadership Update – Address to the Nation 7:00pm February 6, 2020. Ottawa Mayor declared a state of emergency. How Ottawa Police taking the convoy fuel and occupying the convoy tents does not impact the Freedom Convoy logistics. (Marcel Irnie/YT)…