Corona False Alarm?
‘Professor Bhakdi Did Not Do Anything Wrong’ – Open Letter from Holocaust Survivors
We for Humanity – a group of Holocaust survivors and descendents – write: We set the record straight: media abuse Holocaust to enable new Holocaust. Of all things, the “fight against Antisemitism” ensures that people behave as they did back then. The unfounded accusation was also abused to silence Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi. We are standing…
Bestselling Book: Corona False Alarm
In June 2020, Corona, False Alarm? exploded into the German market, selling 200,000 copies and 75,000 e-books in six weeks. No other topic dominates our attention as much as coronavirus and COVID-19, the infectious disease it triggers. There’s been a global deluge of contradictory opinions, fake news, and politically controlled information. Differing views on the dangers posed…
Are We Being Told the Truth About COVID-19? Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi
Professor Bhakdi is a specialist in microbiology in Germany and the co-author of Corona, False Alarm? Facts and Figures, a bestseller in Germany. In this interview he explains why the governments are committing a crime against humanity. “Not only the lockdowns are unnecessary, everything else is too.” Bhakdi urges us to return to the “old…