
Dr David Martin: ‘Neither the Coronavirus Nor the Covid Vaccines are Novel – They Were Patented Before the Alleged Outbreak!’

Patents Discussed: Pfizer filed patent for Coronavirus S gene “21 years ago!” US Patent 6372224 filed by Pfizer Inc. (New York) on January 28th 2000, which was a continuation of application No. 08/331,625, filed as application No. PCT/US93/04692 on May 7, 1993. Download Pdf document of US Patent 6372224: Methods for Producing Recombinant Coronavirus

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The Fauci Covid-19 Dossier

The Fauci Dossier lists several of the crimes that have and are being committed on the global public, including the actual law being violated in regard to medical experiments. Sent to us by a reader. A document prepared for humanity by Dr David E. Martin “Over the past two decades, my company – M·CAM –

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Do Lockdowns Work? 31 Papers Suggest Lockdown Is Ineffective

“Government actions such as border closures, full lockdowns, and a high rate of COVID-19 testing were not associated with statistically significant reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality.” “Given that the evidence reveals that the Corona disease declines even without a complete lockdown, it is recommendable to reverse the current policy and

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