Crime Report

London: Criminal Investigation Against Covid Vaccine Enforcement

Former police officer Mark Sexton has submitted 1100 pages of evidence to Hammersmith Criminal Investigation Department, where two detectives accepted and signed the paperwork. He has also invited BBC and Sky to report the ‘biggest story in the last 100 years’. The crime reference number is 6029679/21 Facebook group A Greater Britain posted the following

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German Children’s Rights Organisation Files complaint Against Schools

A German Children’s Rights Organisation (Kinderrechte Jetzt) has filed criminal charges against all doctors, teachers and school headmasters. On Monday, 20 September 2021, BioNTech praised its study on the vaccine for children. On the same day, pathologists reported shocking things about autopsies of vaccinated people at a pathology conference. Finally, the 14th safety report of

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Crime Report on Vaccine Assault

Commandant Bulldog or whosoever is left standing and competent at the station responsible for the Peace, Law and Order in Little Blighty and South East Lilliput: you will be aware that an assembly of the People testified yesterday at your headquarters. Serious crime reports were delivered or registered. Sergeant Schwarz was presented with incontrovertible evidence

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