NHS Spiking Man’s Drink To Force COVID Vaccination
A mother is taking legal action to stop her Down’s syndrome son from being sedated and covertly vaccinated against Covid-19. The man, in his thirties, has had sedatives secretly added to his tea and orange juice so he could receive the vaccine and booster shots. His mother, however, plans to sue the local NHS care…
This Is the Crime of the Century
Shocking Dutch cover-up: They knew about vaccine injuries and hid the data: In story first reported by the U.K.’s Jim Ferguson, hacked data from the Dutch government shows that the E.U. Globalists went after the children and afterwards hundreds of vaccine injuries were reported all across the Netherlands and the EU. Why didn’t we hear…
When Paying Tax Becomes Illegal
A listener of the White Rose interview contacted us with some information on paying taxes: Did You Know….? It is a criminal offence in this country to pay tax if any of it is used to fund genocide, murder or any criminal activity as per the 1945 UN Charter, Terrorism Act 2000 and The Nuremberg…
The Worst Crime on Earth Right Now – Former Police Officer Provides Evidence of Child Trafficking
Is this Satan’s Al Capone moment? It has taken a former British Police Officer, Gary Waterman, to finally uncover and expose irrefutable evidence linking the UK government and many other governments to the biggest problem on Earth right now: child trafficking. Worse than that it links to Satanic Ritual abuse: the glue that holds this…
To the WEF, WHO and UN: Get Out of Our Country!
This video is from retired police constable Mark Sexton and lawyers Philip Hyland and Hannah Rose, with involvement and direction from a senior human rights barrister. They explain some details of their judicial review application to the High Court in London submitted on the 9th of June 2023, to force the Metropolitan police, as is…
Mel Gibson About to Expose All of Them
Was Mel Gibson the fall guy for wanting to child trafficking rings in Hollywood? He is involved in a new documentary about the underbelly of child trafficking in the U.S. and other countries. That is why he is trending today. Will the mainstream condone this or remind us why he is a persona non grata?…
Dr Roger Hodkinson: ‘It’s Time to Put these Bastards In Jail!’
During an interview by Just Right Media, Dr Roger Hodkinson states: “I am full of vengeance. It’s not a time to say I’m sorry. it’s a time to put these bastards in jail. I’m calling it the Big Kill. We’ve seen the biggest kill ever, in medicine’s history. Directly because of the intervention of these…
Interaction With the Police Results in the Closure of Bristol Vaccine Centre
Mark Sexton—Vaccine Centre University of West England, Bristol—Footage of Closing Process (SixthSense/Bitchute): Mark Sexton points out the crimes commited in vaccine centres and surgeries around the country (and the world) and accuses those complicit of: misconduct in public office, misfeasance in public office, cooperate manslaughter and conspiracy to commit all the above. A few phrases…