Debt Is the Biggest Threat to Freedom
By Harry Hopkins Mr Micawber and his lessons for today Charles Dickens was an English novelist whom many regard as the greatest writer of the Victorian era. He was tremendously popular during his lifetime and his novels and short stories are still widely read today. One of his best-known characters remains Wilkins Micawber, who appeared in the…
We Are Indoctrinated by the System to Be Useful Debt Slaves From Birth to Death
By Ray Wilson Silicon Chips with Everything In April 2020, the UK public was mesmerised by the media. The media, controlled by its editorial mafia, propagated its COVID lies and amplified the threat of COVID-19 from zero to infinity, with 46% of the UK population wanting tougher lockdown measures and the same proportion saying existing…
Destroying the Middle Classes is an Integral Part of the Conspirators’ Plan
By Dr Vernon Coleman. Below is the transcript for Coleman’s video published here. I was a mere lad with hair when I started making videos just under three years ago. It seems like a lifetime and a half away. Back In April 2022, I made a video entitled ‘We have eight months’ in which I…
Here’s How They’ll Bankrupt You
By Dr Vernon Coleman Their plan is to make every one of us bankrupt and they’re well on the way to succeeding. Only the billionaire conspirators are likely to avoid this. The conspirators must be delighted at the way things are going. To start with, of course, the rising cost of food and energy will…