
Excess Mortality in Australia

What’s been happening in Australia, has been going on in many other countries around the globe. We are experiencing an induced pandemic – not because of covid-19, but due to the administering of a dangerous medication. ReasearchGate has published a Bradford Hill analysis of iatrogenic excess mortality in Australia. The document in a nutshell: Australian

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European Commission Planned a Vaccine Pass Years Before the Alleged Pandemic

A document entitled ‘Roadmap for the implementation of actions by the European commission based on the commission communication and the council recommendation on strengthening cooperation against vaccine preventable disease’  is further evidence that the intention to implement this mechanism of control has been carefully planned for years – before the ‘novel’ coronavirus was ‘detected’. The

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The Fauci Covid-19 Dossier

The Fauci Dossier lists several of the crimes that have and are being committed on the global public, including the actual law being violated in regard to medical experiments. Sent to us by a reader. A document prepared for humanity by Dr David E. Martin “Over the past two decades, my company – M·CAM –

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