Tall Climate Tales from the BBC
Net Zero Watch has issued a new document about the lies told by the BBC about climate change in 2023. It is written by Paul Homewood who had a career as an accountant in industry. He has been writing on climate and energy issues since 2011. Here a summary of what the paper is all…
New Booklet: ‘Prayer Is Power’ – FREE Download
In these dark days, anyone who does some research, is able to get an insight of the deep abyss of God’s enemies. The horrors are revealed as perhaps never before. But let us not forget, the darker it gets around us, the stronger the light appears! Is there anything you can do against evil agendas…
30 Years Ago, Dr Robert Willner Accused Anthony Fauci Of Genocide
Further reports on Fauci: The HIV-AIDS Industry. Thirty years of political science – Terry Michael, 2014Abstract: “For nearly thirty years, Dr. Anthony Fauci has been an un-elected medical science bureaucrat directing the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH.) Not even subject to Senate confirmation, Fauci has…
Richard Vobes Recommends ‘Stop Them’ on YouTube
End World Control: The White Rose asked their supporters to write a text of no more than two hundred words about how we can stop those who believe they’re in control of the world. Responses came pouring in, and they ended up with over eighty bite-sized essays. Link to the book: (Richard Vobes/YT) Thanks…
Free PDF Book: Stop Them!
Please note: ‘Stop Them!’ is the result of the May Writing Challenge. The Writing Challenge ‘How To Avoid Digital Slavery’ is a separate project which will result in a printed book, by the end of June/beginning of July. Together We Will End World Control – And This Is How We asked our supporters to write…
‘Stop Them!’ FREE Download Book – Order NOW
Please note: ‘Stop Them!’ is the result of the May Writing Challenge. The Writing Challenge ‘How To Avoid Digital Slavery’ is a separate project which will result in a printed book, by the end of June/beginning of July. Together We Will End World Control – And This Is How We asked our supporters to write…
NEW LEAFLET: The Vaccines Don’t Work – We Want Our Money Back!
By Paul Edwards. See links for downloading below article. The people of the UK have been cheated. We were promised that the Vaccine Programme would end covid-19. It hasn’t worked. Tens of billions of our taxpayers money has been wasted on them and other useless articles like masks and plastic test kits. The economy is…