Dr Kary Mullis

  • Anatomy of a Genocide

    By Cherry Hughs Quite a strong title I know, but I think this is a fitting description of what went on at least from 2020 and continues its insidious course today. In March 2020 the world, well, much of the world’s governments and, by their actions, a large majority of those populations, totally lost their…

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  • My Experience With Barcode One and How I Stopped Trusting the System

    By Ray Wilson In January 2018, I had some residual faith in the allopathic medical industrial complex. I had taken a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test, and my doctor wanted to discuss the results. The PSA test is a blood test to detect prostate cancer, but it is not perfect—that’s putting it mildly—and will not find…

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  • PCR Tests and the Depopulation Program

    By Kevin Galalae Ever since the plandemic has been started, I asked myself why the authorities insist on performing as many Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests as possible, as often as possible on the same individuals, and on as many people as possible given their invasive nature and the fact that they were never meant…

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