Dr Steve Kirsch
The Takada paper shows very clearly that the COVID vaccines are not safe
By Dr Steve Kirsch Executive summary A new paper by Takada, published on August 3, 2024 shows the ROR for myocarditis for Pfizer was 15 and it was 54 for Moderna. That means the Pfizer vaccine isn’t safe, and the Moderna vaccine is 3.6 worse. 54 is a train wreck. You can’t give a drug…
Image of the Week
‘A safe vaccine would be indistinguishable from a placebo. Does this look safe to you?’ From: Steve Kirsch’s newsletter. See the full article here. COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals Stop the Death Jab! Detox after the covid jab…
There Is No More Doubt that the Covid Vax Is Killing People
At the Exit The Who conference in Dublin (Feb 6, 2024). Andrew Bridgen MP explains the sneaky tactics being employed to trick the public into giving away their democratic rights under the guise of ‘for your health and safety’. (AislingOLoughlin/Bitchute) Steve Kirsch Speaks To Members Of The U.K. Parliament About The Dangers Of COVID Vaccines…
Medical Peer-Reviewed Literature: ‘The Covid Vaccines Should Be Stopped
By Steve Kirsch It’s now in the peer-reviewed literature that the shots should be stopped. Too many unanswered questions. Plus, the people who should be answering these questions simply don’t want to talk about it. That’s the biggest red flag in my mind. From the paper: Given the well-documented SAEs and unacceptable harm-to-reward ratio, we…
Hospitals Were Empty – Interview with Kaiser Nurse
Executive summary My interview with former Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa nurse Gail Macrae is the single most devastating interview I’ve done since I first started speaking out against the COVID vaccine in May 2021. Key points of the interview include: Hospitals were actually empty when the press told us they were full. 90% or more…
Medicare Death Data Confirms the Covid Vaccines Are Killing People
By Dr Steve Kirsch Medicare death data confirms the covid vaccines are killing people. No more doubts. Same anomaly in all five countries. I don’t know how doctors can ignore this; it is crystal clear. The slope of deaths per day post shot goes up. It is supposed to go down. You can’t ignore this.…
How Many Lives Must Be Sacrificed to Get Heard? Discussion In Parliament
Tonight MP Andrew Bridgen is leading a discussion in Parliament featuring Dr Robert Malone, Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Ryan Cole, Prof Angus Dalgleish, Steve Kirsch and Dr David Martin – however, the session is already being smeared as a gathering of conspiracy theorists. What will it take to break through the Overton window so that…
US Nursing Home Data Shows Covid Vaccines Made Things Much Worse
By Steve Kirsch Abstract This is a very important article. Perhaps the most important article I’ve written to date. In a nutshell, I analyzed the “gold standard” official US nursing home data and gave the vaccine every benefit of the doubt by analyzing it under “best case conditions” when the vaccine matched the variant, and…
The Link Between General Vaccines and Autism – Stop Vaccinating Your Children!
By Steve Kirsch Nearly all the world’s autism experts know it. They just can’t talk about it. The CDC has been lying to people for over 20 years in denying the link between vaccines and autism. In just 40 minutes after launching my survey, I now have a highly statistically significant result. If you are…
Study Reveals: More Doses Means More Covid
‘Devastating’ Cleveland Clinic Study Reveals More covid Vax Doses = More covid. “Cleveland Clinic is rated the number two hospital in the world. And so, when a study comes out of Cleveland Clinic, people take it very seriously,” explained. “And this study was devastating for the vaccine.” What they found was that people who took…